Last week I wrote a post about
why you should keep a journal. I thought it would be cool to follow that up with some prompts to help you get started if you're new to journaling, or if you're just in a journaling rut.
1. Write an "About Me" about yourself.
2. A list of things you're thankful for.
3. Small things that make you happy.
4. The last time you celebrated something.
5. The best thing that happened to you this week.
6. Something you want to change about yourself.
7. Something you could do
right now to get you closer to where you want to be in life.
8. Someone you love.
9. A skill you want to learn.
10. Your favorite quote right now.
11. Something that you think holds you back.
12. A word that actually describes your life, and a word you
wish described your life.
13. Someone you admire and why you admire them.
14. Something you're stressed about.
15. Something that's been making you laugh lately.
16. The happiest moment in your week so far.
17. Write a letter to teenage you.
18. What you like the most about yourself.
19. The one dream you have that you just can't stop thinking about.
20. The biggest way you've changed in the past year.
21. The last bad day you had.
22. The place you currently call home.
23. Your best quality.
24. The last time you tried something new.
25. Three rules you try to live by.
26. Your family.
27. Your bucket list.
28. 5 big goals you have for your life.
29. The last person you said, "I love you" to.
30. A list of things you love about this season of your life.
31. Pros and cons of your job.
32. How you've been spending your free time lately.
33. A list of your favorite books and why you love them.
34. Your best friend.
35. Something you're scared of.
36. Your dream job.
37. Something you're really good at.
38. Your bad habits.
39. A tradition you want to have with your own family.
40. Sum up what you believe in on one page.
41. Your favorite things about the town you live in.
42. Describe your day in 5 words.
43. The last time you broke the rules.
44. Where you hope to be in five years.
45. What you think you would be doing with your life if money didn't matter.
46. Write a letter to your future self.
47. Something you're really proud of.
48. Your favorite way to relax.
49. One way you'd like to grow in the next year.
50. Your favorite way to spend a Friday.
51. A project you're working on.
52. How you think you're making the world a better place.
Now, get yourself
a pretty journal
* and get started!
*denotes affiliate link, disclosure here.