Can we just talk about this?
First, that's depressing and makes me miss college.
Second, I vote that spring break should be extended into your post-college years. You know, to help break the ice of the real world and all of that.
Right? Right.
Okay, now that we've got that out of the way, here are my favorite things this week!
This blog that Meg wrote about grace and dancing is fantastic.
- My dad was a guest speaker at the dream center church in LA, and I got to watch him live last night. {because, you know, being newly married means you don't get to go on fun trips with your parents. booo.} With a three hour time difference and being on opposite ends of the country, it was seriously cool to watch him speak in real time. In the words of my bff Kip, I love technology.
- My wedding pictures came. Enough said.
{it's our thing. do not judge.}
other things.
this. is. amazing.
I am a coffee addict. I pretend to be nothing else. The problem with guzzling down two (three?) cups of coffee every morning is guzzling down that much creamer. And sugar. And whatever other crap is probably in there. I'm trying to be more health-conscious in my choices {Although I may or may not have eaten taco bell for dinner this week. Trying, people.}
In comes coconut milk creamer! I am obsessed with all things coconut. But even if you're not, you're in luck, because this tastes nothing like coconut. It's flavored coconut milk, which somehow magically transforms into delicious and good for you {better for you?} creamer.
and I leave you with my favorite funny things this week....
that is all.
hoooooray for Friday! Have a fantastic weekend!