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Thursday, May 2, 2013

a year.

I will start this off by saying that I know I talk about going after your dreams every single blog post a lot, but hello.  Someone has to do it.

If you read my blog post on Tuesday {of course you did.  I know you just live for the moments when I post a new blog.  obviously.} You saw an array of inspirational quotes and pictures--one of which I am still thinking about 48 hours later.

"Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. 
The time will pass anyway."
-Earl Nightingale

Here's the thing. 
As of tomorrow, it will have been an entire year since I graduated college. 
Three-hundred and sixty-five days. 
Eight thousand, seven hundred, and sixty-five hours. 
That's a lot of time. 
{And no, I'm not weird and do not keep a calendar of how many days it's been since I graduated.  My best friend is graduating from the same school tomorrow on the same day I did.  You can now continue reading in peace.}

Since we're being honest, I'll tell you: a year ago, I definitely thought things would be different than they are for me now.  
I had thoughts like, "A year from now? Yeah, I'll definitely have written a book." 
But I haven't. 
"And I'll probably be in the process of trying to get it published."
But I'm not.
"And even if I'm not, I'll be researching publishing and writing opportunities like crazy."
But that hasn't happened.
"And I'll probably spend my free time with a cup of coffee, holed up at my desk and pouring genius ideas onto paper, because I'm graduated and can be a professional writer now."

I have done a heck of a lot this year.  
I have traveled. 
I have gotten married. 
I have moved to a new place. 
The year since graduation is one of the fullest, most memorable years I have ever had. 
I don't regret a single thing that I did. 
It's what I didn't do that I regret. 

I did so much this year, and it was wonderful.  But there were also plenty of times where I didn't do so much.  Where I went to bed early.  Where I was bored, so I did nothing instead of writing, because writing seemed too hard. Bottom line, I didn't make myself go after what I wanted, because in the moment of it all, it seems too daunting. 
Writing a book?  That could easily take a year.
A year is a long time.  That's too much to think about. 

Yet, the year passed anyway. 

I know all of that sounds depressing, but it's really made me think about the way I want to live this year. 
I hope it does the same for you. 
I hope that on May 2nd, 2014 you can stand back and look at your accomplishments and see that you accomplished a dream of yours. 
Because the time is going to pass anyway.