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Friday, August 9, 2013

This Summer.

This Summer, I adventured.  A lot.  

We went on a cruise. 

We went on lots of Universal dates. 

We went to Italy. 

Just kidding.  But we went to Orlando's version of Italy, and for the weekend, it was almost just as good.

I got to have lots of date nights with this guy. 

I went to Haiti and fell in love. 

I got to witness Chris and Goose slowly become best friends.  
{And dance partners.} 

I got some lunch dates with my partner in crime. 

Celebrated the Fourth of July with the best there is. Including this one:

We went to New York and saw The Lion King on Broadway.  I can now die happy. 

This summer was wonderful.  Fall, you've got a lot to live up to.

"August feels like a hinge in the year.  Swing backwards and summer is there, swing forward and fall is waiting.  I'm in the swing forward camp.  I'm never sorry to see summer end, although I'll miss the peaches.  I'm ready for sweaters and socks and new suede shoes."  -Stephanie Madewell

I love this quote, except that I am usually a little sorry to see summer end.  Especially one like this one, where I got to spend every single day with my husband--which has never happened before now. 
Summer ending means he goes back to school, we go back to a schedule and trying to squeeze in time to hang out. 
Summer ending also means pumpkins and apples and crafts and baked goods galore. 
I'll take it. 

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  1. I am on the fence! I'm not ready to asy goodbye to the pool days but I am excited for boots and scarves. Looks like you had a great summer.

  2. I feel almost exactly the same! Summer was good, and life is about to get crazy hectic again, but there's so much I love about fall!

  3. I love fall so I can't wait. But, it's still August so there's still some summer left!

  4. I love how happy you look in all of your photos. Here's to a terrific fall :o)

  5. These pictures are great! It's so amazing that you've had an adventurous summer!
    Sincerely, Sara

  6. i'm not counting summer over until our vacation next week. so september for me is the end of summer haha. but we live in florida so i feel it's justified.


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