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Thursday, October 24, 2013


Today is one of my favorite days of the year.

In case you were wondering, December 24th is my favorite day of the year.  Followed by Christmas.  And then whatever day we go to Universal's Grinchmas.  And then Thanksgiving.  But today is on the list of my favorite days.

Its our annual candy making party!  Because, in my mom's words, you need to find a way to involve candy with Halloween once you get too old to trick-or-treat.

Tonight will be fun.  We'll make some great candy, but we'll also mess up a lot.  We'll burn some, ruin some, and some simply won't turn out right no matter what.  But we'll laugh about it, talk about life, and make memories.

That's why nights like tonight are my favorite.  Because I love making memories with the people that I love.

We can get caught up in being busy.  In thinking we're important.  We can often become overwhelmed and think we have too much to do to take time to make memories.  And that's just sad.

A friend of my parents passed away last night.  They went and sat with his family after, and my mom said his family sat around and told all kinds of stories about his life and the memories they had made.  In that moment, I'm sure it didn't matter how busy they had been over the years.  How important their job was.  How overwhelmed they had been twenty years ago.

I'm sure they were incredibly grateful for the memories they were able to hold and cherish in that moment.

Don't be too busy to live your life--really live it.  Don't be too caught up in the stress of every day to notice when a moment is begging to become a memory.  Don't walk away from that because you think your current circumstance is too important.

Memories are a beautiful gift, and one that you can give yourself.  Live your life open to moments like that, and suddenly, the business you thought was so important?  It won't be.  It never was.

[PS:  Do you have a shop?  The second handmade fair is coming up soon and we would love to have you participate!  Email me for more information!]