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Friday, December 27, 2013

2013, You Were Pretty Amazing.

2013 has been one crazy year.

I welcomed in 2013 in Jamaica, still on our honeymoon celebrating our new life.  When you start a year out like that, it has to be good, right?  2013 certainly has been.

2013 is the year I started blogging.
2013 is the year I found myself in a new town knowing no one but my husband, and you know what?  I survived.  And not only that, but made some pretty great friends along the way.
2013 is the year I decided to get serious about writing.  And while it would be pretty awesome to be ending the year with a book contract, the passion and determination I've discovered in myself is almost worth as much to me.
2013 is the year I figured out who I was...outside of college, outside of living at home, outside of being in the same town as my best friends.  It was a year of both finding who I was and finding who I wanted to be.
2013 is the year where I learned what being a wife means.  How it's so much more than cooking dinner and doing laundry.
2013 is the year I started building a life with my husband.
2013 is the year I traveled with Chris: to Jamaica, to Haiti, to New York, to the Bahamas.
2013 is the year Mr. Gatsby came into our lives.
2013 was a beautiful, incredibly full year.

This week, while you're making your resolutions and determining how much better 2014 will be than 2013 was, don't forget to take a minute to reflect on how good 2013 actually was.  Don't forget to be thankful for all the things you will have to think of when you think of 2013.

2014?  It's going to be amazing.  But 2013 has been pretty spectacular too.

                  The Lady Okie Blog


  1. Hey! You should double link up with me today too! :) sounds like 2013 was great for you. Glad I found your blog (although I have no idea how) and that we could connect. You have such a beautiful spirit that shines through this space. Keep it up!

  2. Aw Cheers! Sounds like a fantastic year! You're right, next year will be even BETTER!

  3. Sounds like 2013 was a great year for you!! :)

  4. You had a wonderful year!!! cheers to an even better 2014!

  5. I moved to a new town this year, too! There is a lot of self discovery that comes along with that. Glad you had a great 2013!

  6. :) This really sounds like an amazing year for you! I hope your 2014 is awesome!

  7. I always say the best is yet to come... but sometimes forget to add "though the now is pretty great too". thanks for keeping me in perspective!

  8. Sounds like you had a wonderful year! I hope you have a great 2014 :)

  9. What an absolutely beautiful post, I just love how you summarized everything!! Congratulations on an amazing year, I hope 2014 treats you even better! :)
    p.s. thank you for linking up!

  10. How awesome! You accomplished a lot in 2013! What a great year for you! I'm sure 2014 is going to be awesome too!

  11. beautiful post! sounds like you have had an amazing year! I'm sure 2014 will be just as good if not better!

    love your blog btw

  12. What a fun year you have had! I too moved to a small town with my husband a week after we got married. It's a crazy good journey! Thanks for linking up with us today.

  13. Sounds like 2013 was pretty good to you. I hope 2014 is even better!

  14. So happy to hear that you have had a year filled with so many wonderful experiences! 2013 was a big year of self-discovery for me, too. :)

  15. sounds like 2013 was a blessed year for you!! cant wait to see what 2014 holds :)

  16. What a great year! Congrats on your marriage and your writing accomplishments. :)

  17. Wow. 2013 was a pretty awesome year for you... :)

  18. Wow!! That is an amazing year!! Hope 2014 is just as exciting and filled with just as many blessings!

  19. Hope you start this year in a way just as amazing as last year!

  20. Wow, that is really quite a list!!! I hope 2014 is even better for you. Have a fantastic new year!



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