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Friday, January 17, 2014

The Scariest Post I've Ever Written.

This is one of those things you just have to dive right into, so here it goes.

I wrote a book.

I’ve wanted to write those four words on this blog for a long time, but I’ve been too afraid.  Afraid of failure.  Afraid to answer questions like, “Why isn’t your book published?”  Afraid that it would get published and no one would ever buy it.  Afraid that people would buy it, but they would hate it.

I decided I wasn’t going to be afraid anymore in 2014.  I decided I was going to be brave.

So, you guys.  I wrote a book.  A novel.  66,405 words of my own.

I wrote a book, and my book is going to be published.

Really, truly published.  Published, as in you can buy it on Amazon, or Barnes and Noble, or Books-a-Million.  Published, as in you can download it to read on your Kindle.  Published, as in those 66,405 words will be printed on paper and bound into a book that you can hold in your hand.  Published.

I’m choosing to publish through a newer, smaller indie company.  It’s a risk.  But I decided I wanted take risks this year.

So I’m doing it.

Part of the risk is that there are some costs involved.  I promise I will never, ever use my blog to ask for money for anything because I think that’s dumb and also a little shallow.  I am, however, setting a goal.

If I sell 310 things from my shop, that will cover the costs.  So, if you’re in the market for some new accessories or need a gift for someone, it would be awesome if you would think about simultaneously helping me achieve my goal.  You’ll get a pretty cool headband and I’ll get one step closer.  It’s a win-win.

Also, if you have a blog that you would be willing to let me share this on, that would be incredible.  Whether you could share this post, just tweet the link to my shop, or anything of the sort, I would be forever thankful to you and would be happy to return the favor in any way I could.  When it comes to chasing dreams, we’re all in this together, right?

Thank you, thank you, thank you for reading my words.  I cannot wait to see what this journey holds, and I am so incredibly excited to be able to share it with all of you.

And now I'm going to stop staring at the screen and just push the publish button, because sometimes you just have to jump.