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Monday, February 10, 2014

The internet brings out the worst in people.

Please forgive the sarcastic tone in which this post is worded.  Or don't.  It's all in good fun.  But that doesn't mean it's not true. 

As someone who has friends and family in several different locations, I really do love social media.  But that doesn't mean that there aren't a few phrases that make me want to smash my phone  your phone into a million pieces when they show up in my twitter feed.

"I wasn't going to say anything about this, but..." Nope.  Just stop right there.  When you say this, you're saying "I want to be able to weigh in on the conversation, but I want come across as better than everyone else, because I didn't want to weigh in."  Oh, but you did.

"I am so utterly over _____" Insert popular article.  Blog posts.  Whatever is trending on twitter.  It's a popular topic and you're either a) jealous you didn't think of it before it blew up, or b) tired of reading about it.  This is usually said in a way that makes it seem like a broad, non-threatening statement, but it's obviously about one or two specific people that have gotten a little tweet-happy.  I'm going to tell you something that will change your life:  if you don't like what someone posts about on their own personal social media, delete them.  You'll make the rest of us happy that we don't have to read your passive-aggressive tweets anymore.

"Because everyone else is doing it..." 
I HATE THIS SENTENCE.  Translation:  I actually want to do this, but so many other people did it before me that I feel the need to make a sarcastic comment so I can hold onto some of my hipster integrity.

Get off of my internet.

"Facebook/Twitter/Vine/Instagram is so dumb/annoying/pointless." You don't say!  I always find this one especially humorous, because guess where these people go to vent their frustrations on how stupid social media is?  If you guessed social media, you get a cookie.

I'm going to stop now because really, this could go on forever.  What do you think?  What are some of the most annoying things said on social media?

Happy Monday!