Today is the day! After three and a half years of writing, seven months of querying, a few weeks of agonizing decision making before deciding to just go with my gut, four months of planning and changing and is the day my novel is released. And it's also my birthday!
I am simultaneously thrilled and terrified. I'm a whole bunch of other things too, but I think those two words sum it up best. It is absolutely insane to me that the words I wrote that make up the story I created are now bound together in a book that anyone in the world can buy and read. INSANE.
I cannot see what happens with this and where this road leads. I am so incredibly thankful for this journey, and if nothing ever comes of it, I am still so proud to have gotten to this point.
If you have been following along on my blog, thank you. If you've left encouraging comments or congratulatory emails, you have no idea how much that means. If you have supported me in any way, whether that's by reading this blog or buying something from my shop or pre-ordering my book, thank you from the bottom of my heart. You will never know how much that support means to me.
I'm off to celebrate with the people I love more than anything in this world. First, though, here's a giveaway of my new book! I'll write you a special little note and mail it to you myself!
Have some cake or an extra cup of coffee today for me. It's a good day to celebrate.