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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Totally Logical Tips for an Easy Move.

1.  Don't move.  The most logical way to have an easy move is don't.

2.  Hire a company.  Hire someone else to pack and move your stuff, to clean your old place, and to unpack at your new place.  Then just pop some champagne and watch them work.

Side note:  You're probably going to want to get them to cook you dinner your first night in your new place.  Watching other people work is exhausting.

3.  Abandon your old place and everything in it.  Buy all new things for your new place.  And have someone else unpack your new things, obviously.

4.  Change your identity.  If you are no longer Sarah Smith, you no longer have to be responsible for Sarah Smith's old apartment.  Right?  Right.

5.  Don't move. 

An easy move just doesn't exist.  I have literally been moving since Friday and am pretty sure I've never been this tired...but man, you just can't beat this new view.

w h i l e   y o u ' r e  h e r e :