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Monday, May 18, 2015

When You Don't Know What to Do, Do What You Know to Do.

How many times have you reached a point in your life where you just didn't know what to do? A few? A lot? Once a week? Every day? For me, it's all. the. time. 

When high school was drawing to a close and I was supposed to be registering for classes for the fall, I stayed in a constant state of I don't know what to do. Did I want to be a teacher? A psychologist? Something practical or something exciting? I had no idea, and I said so--a lot.

Most of the best life lessons I've learned from my dad haven't come from big, serious talks, but rather off the cuff remarks and just his life in general. While I was panicking about a major, he was in a constant state of calm--which says a lot considering he was the one who was about the pay for my semester(s) of I don't know at a private college.

One day, while I was flipping through the major options for the hundredth time, trying to find something that really stuck out to me, he said something I will never forget.

When you don't know what to do, do what you know to do. 

At the time, I think that I took it to mean I should pick a major based on what I already knew (spoiler alert--I did not), but that one sentence has stuck with me since. I don't know what to do has been more present in my adult life than it was in high school, and that advice is more applicable today than ever.

When you don't know what to do, do what you know to do.

I may not know how to solve every problem that comes my way, or how to decide the next steps to take, or which way to go when I come to a crossroads, but there are some things that I do know.

I know that waking up a little early to enjoy a good cup of coffee while wrapped up in my covers ensures I have a much better day at work.

I know that there are very few things getting lost in a good book can't fix.

I know that taking a step back and focusing on others instead of myself is necessary if I want to live a full life.

I know that making time to read the Bible centers me.

I know that compliments are free to give and an easy way to make two people's day at once.

I know that take-out and netflix with best friends is way more fulfilling that a night out.

I may not know a lot about the big stuff, but I do know a lot of the small stuff...and sometimes that is the big stuff.

What do you know to do?


  1. This is so great, I constantly get the feeling that I need to be doing more. I am always reminding myself that hard work will get me where I want to be, so I just need to keep working. Great reminder Chelsea!

  2. Loving this list, and giving out compliments always seems to brighten people's day as they're usually unexpected :)

  3. This is good! Hmmm, I know that reading for me is essential, I have to have time each day for it (and I'm happier with a lot of reading time!) I also need some alone time, and time to relax with my husband and kids. I hate being too busy and rushed, being on my back deck with my family right now makes me really happy;)

  4. That is some solid advice!!! I have been listening to Yes, Please on audiobook and Amy Pohler made a comment about how instead of people asking 20 somethings what they want to do with their life, they should be asking what they dont want to do because it is something they can answer!

  5. Love this. I definitely believe in it, which is why I started my own business and am extremely happy doing things my own way at my own pace :)

  6. Yes yes yes! I wish I had known to take this advice in college too! I'm learning to do just what I know to do now and not spend so much time worrying.

  7. Chelsea! I saw your graphic on my bloglovin feed and had to click! I've never heard that quote before, but I really love it! It makes so much sense, and I can immediately think of a few situations where it totally applies. Be totally honest - would you mind if I used this prompt as a blog topic of my own where I listed the "things I know". Of course I would 100% link back to you and your blog and give you credit for the idea. Let me know!!

  8. What great advice -- for so many things in life! I know how to be myself and take each day as it comes!

  9. Yup... knowing the small stuff is sometimes the big stuff. This is great!

  10. You always write exactly what I need to hear. Like an internet best friend... haha! Thanks for this!

  11. I've been feeling like this a lot lately. Thank you for your (and your dad's) words of wisdom. Sometimes the best choice is just to make a small move in any direction and see where it leads!

  12. Such an awesome lesson! Gosh have I struggled with this lately. I love this quote so much and it makes me feel better that I'm not sure what my next move will be. You always know what I need to hear. It's scary!

  13. I really agree with you about the night out business. Since I live in such a HUGE city, I often feel like I need to go out all the time... but seriously, my favorite nights are just chill nights in!

  14. I'm going to spend some time today writing down what I know for sure. :)

  15. Love this reminder, especially since I'm going through a time of change now with some big decisions to be made :)

  16. Love this, and so true. I think sometimes just taking a break and yes, reading a good book, gives you some time to get some perspective! Such a good reminder! I always know I'll get some good inspiration here!

  17. This is really perfect fatherly advice...taking time out to listen to yourself, your heart, and to find out what you really need will help you get re centered and on the right track. We often forget that in this busy world.

  18. I love this post, and I love your dad's advice. Thanks for sharing!

  19. I love your dad's advice. I find myself thinking more as an adult that I don't know what to do than I did when I was younger... especially when it comes to my career/the future. What I do know is that the job that I have now is the most fulfilling job that I've ever had and if I can find a way to supplement my income I would stay here as long as possible. I also know that puppy cuddles can cure anything. So can giving a puppy tummy rubs. And just being greeted by a dog in general.


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