Goodbye to a year I never saw coming.
Goodbye to the last year of being a party of two.
Goodbye to classes and studying and tests.
Goodbye to interview adventuring and trying to picture ourselves living new places.
Goodbye to being
Goodbye to a year of so much love and adventure.
Goodbye to a year of surprises, of growing, of exploring, of learning.
Goodbye, 2015. It's been a hell of a ride.
Hello, 2016.
Hello to a year of the biggest changes of our lives.
Hello to finding out what new place we will be calling home.
Hello to our family growing, and to a new little guy joining the tribe.
Hello to learning how to be a mom. To making it work.
Hello to Christopher becoming a doctor. To all of that hard work paying off.
Hello to new adventures, new places, and new dreams.
Hello to a year I never thought I'd be saying hello to. To a year brimming with excitement and potential. To a year that promises to make my heart grow more full of love than ever before.
Hello, 2016. I have a feeling you're going to be the best one yet.
What are you saying hello and goodbye to as we close out another year?