During a time when giant resolutions are being made and you're formulating a New Year's plan to basically overhaul your entire life, it can be nice to take a step back and look at the basics. Big goals and resolutions are great, but there are also some smaller things that you can do to make big changes.
Drink water. Lots of it. I will probably talk about this forever, because it amazes me that such a small thing that takes such little effort can make such a big change. When I make sure I drink a ton of water every day I have less headaches, better skin, more energy...all by just drinking something that is free. Seriously, if there was a crazy popular supplement you could buy that did all those things, you know you'd be tempted to buy it...so drink yourself some water!
Make something better. How many times do we stop when something is done enough? A work project, a blog post, a dinner...our everyday lives are full of things that we could keep making better and better and never be finished with. Obviously, that's not feasible. But every day, you can choose to make something better. Read over that email one extra time, or mop the floor instead of just sweeping it. Choose something and make it a little bit better.
Be thankful. If last year taught me anything, it's this: Thankfulness may not have the power to change circumstances, but it has the power to change me. Being thankful is a powerful thing. Switching your mindset to one of gratitude is life-changing. Focusing on the good instead of the bad is a mood-altering magic. Just taking the time to be thankful for one single thing each day can really determine the type of day you have.
Leave someone better than when you found them. When I was younger and would babysit at someone's house, my mom would always tell me, "Make sure you leave the house better than you found it." I think the same logic can be applied to people. You really do have the power to make someone's day better, and you can do that so simply, without taking anything away from your day. Throw away someone's trash for them, compliment their outfit, bring them a coffee, smile at them. Don't you have a better day when someone shows you love?
Choose silence over stupidity. I am not confrontational at all, but when it comes to people I know and things I feel passionate about, I am also not timid. So when someone is talking about something I disagree with, or have strong feelings about, my first reaction is to pipe up and give my opinion and let them know why they're wrong. I would venture to say that 90% of the time, I later (if not immediately!) realize that my words made no difference, and I wasted my time and maybe even dignity just to make myself feel better. You can't take your words back...that goes for words that are hurtful and words that just make you feel stupid later. So sometimes, it's best to just choose silence.
What's something you think you should do every day?