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Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Coffee Date.

still obsessed with the dress I wore!

If we were having coffee, I'd tell you that...

...I went to Oklahoma this weekend for my childhood best friend's wedding. There's something so magical about seeing people you love so much be so happy. The last few years have truly taught me that your people are everything. She's one of those, and I will never forget this weekend. 

...The night before my trip, I had the most bizarre blogging night. I got an email from someone giving me a heads up that "I think this blog is passing off some of your posts as their own." I clicked over and someone has been copy+pasting my posts word for word and only changing things if I used someone's name. I emailed her and also commented on all the posts like hi hello I wrote this! Those comments got deleted, the posts did not. 

I saw her tweet out a link to a very special post ABOUT MY CHILD as if she wrote it, and I responded and asked her to take it down. 


TL;DR: Someone stole my posts and when I caught them and emailed them about it, sent me a cease and desist letter. Life is weird. 

Those posts have since been deleted, juuuust enough words have been changed so they don't look exactly like mine, and put back up. I'm insanely frustrated over it (because writing is special, and blogging takes work, ya know?) but today, I'm feeling motivated. 
Because it's reminded me that the reason it upset me so much is that writing is important to me, and my posts are special to me. So I'm just gonna keep at it. 

...I got my first ever spray tan, and I have mixed feelings about it. The first feeling being that I live in Florida, I should never need a spray tan. But it has been so cold here, and I tried on my black dress for the wedding, and I looked like a ghost. 
I found an amazing salon here (The Golden Gator, if you're local!) and the girl was fantastic. She was very clear that I could not get wet. Easy, I thought. Just don't take a shower! 

Well, I ate pho for dinner. And apparently I'm a very messy pho eater. Because an hour after my spray tan, I had splotches all over my legs where I splashed pho. This is me, it's fine. 

...I'd ask you what you think about Halsey's poem. (I'm sure you've seen it, but if not: language/content warning). I've watched it at least eight times and cried all of them. "Listen, and then yell at the top of your lungs, be a voice for all those who have prisoner tongues." I know we live in a day where it's rare we'll all agree on pretty much anything, but surely, surely we can agree on that. 

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