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Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Coffee Date!

If we were having coffee. . .

. . .I would for sure be drinking an espresso frappucino. I've just now discovered they can make these! I love the consistency of frapps, but hate the sickly sweet flavors they come in. This is just blended coffee and it is the new love of my life, thank you for understanding. 

. . .I'd tell you that I always call my birthday the unofficial start of summer, but this year I woke up two days after my birthday to forty-two-degree weather. It's seventy today, but still, I am confused. And also just really want the pool to get warm enough to go swimming. 

. . .I'd tell you that my best friends surprised me with a secret trip for my birthday! Next weekend we're going to an unknown location for unknown reasons. I freaking love surprises, so this is the best. I'm so excited!

. . .I'd tell you that I've been running to Cardi-B's new album and it is everything I did not know I needed in life. It makes me feel approximately fifty-seven times cooler than I actually am. 

. . .I'd tell you that I just ordered this acupuncture mat on the recommendation from my friend Alex. I've seen a few people recommend them and I'm excited to try it! Have you ever used one? 

Your turn! What's going on with you? 

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