In the monotony of daily life, chasing after happiness can seem like an endless, really big project. And sometimes, it is. But sometimes it's simpler and more easily attained than we make it out to be. Sometimes no big changes need to be made, no big trips need to be taken. Sometimes you're just a few minutes away from happy.
Some simple ways to find your happiness today. . .
Go for ice cream. There's a reason everyone loves going for ice cream when they're a kid...because it's a happy thing! No reason that should stop just because you're an adult now.
Watch the sunset. Getting outside in any way helps put me in a good mood, but being outside and watching the sky wind down for the night in the most beautiful way, it's hard to not feel happy.
Make your favorite kind of cup of coffee. Iced coffee or a cappuccino or a shot of espresso...make your favorite and then take a few minutes to just enjoy it.
Watch your favorite movie. It's your favorite for a reason!
Take a bubble bath. It's my personal belief that bubble baths can right most wrongs in life.
Cook your favorite dinner.
Or, order your favorite dinner instead.
Go for a drive and listen to the music that makes you happy. Bonus points if you hit up Sonic while you're out.
Look through the pictures on your phone. I take so many pictures of Jack and Gatsby just on a whim or during a funny moment and then forget about them. Looking back at them always puts me in a good mood.
Plan a vacation. Even if it's not one you can take this year (or even next year), there's something inherently happy about vacation planning. Dream a little, look up the places you've always wanted to go, and start planning!
What are some easy ways you add happiness to your day?