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Monday, December 3, 2018

Spending December: A To-Do List For Adventuring Through Your Month.

It's the most magical month of the yearrrrrr! And there are 31 days of magic we get to choose how to spend. I have a few ideas of how you should spend them. 

1. Start an Advent calendar / reading plan. Yes, we're a few days late. Yes, you can still do it. 

2. Donate to those in need. There are most likely things in your kitchen that you could donate to a local food pantry and not miss at all, but they could make someone's whole holiday so much better. 

3. Make a playlist of your very favorite Christmas songs. Blast said playlist as often as possible. 

4. Decorate for Christmas! Whether you go all out or get a mini tree from the dollar store, do whatever makes you happy.

5. Watch Elf. Not in the Christmas spirit yet? We can fix that. 

6. Mail someone a Christmas card. Bonus points if it's someone who wouldn't expect one. 

7. Look up festive things happening in your town this month. 

8. Get some holiday coffee. Highly recommend the Archer Farms candy cane and gingerbread flavors, both at Target.

9. Declutter. Especially if you have a kid who will be receiving toys for Christmas. Toss/donate old toys.

10. Give someone a gift in secret. LOVE Secret Santa in real life. 

11. Bake Christmas treats. 

12. Watch your favorite Christmas movie.

13. Watch a Christmas movie you've never seen before. 

14. Go take Santa pics. Take your kid or your pet and then please share these pictures. I have two years of priceless Santa pics with Jack, really hoping for a third funny one. 

15. Get dressed up. There's just something about getting dressed up in December. You can get fancier than normal and it just feels right. 

16. If you live in driving distance of Orlando, go to Grinchmas at Universal! I mean, I personally think it's even worth getting on a plane for. It's my FAVORITE. 

17. Do something that has nothing to do with your to-do list. Take a break and check in with yourself. Don't get so busy doing all the things that you don't enjoy this season. 

18. Have a Christmas dinner party. Whether you invite over the whole neighborhood or just cook your favorite festive things and watch a movie, both are perfect. 

19. Make hot chocolate. Get fancy with it! 

20. What's the one thing that always makes it feel like Christmas to you? Do that one thing. 

21. Make your last-minute Christmas shopping a festive celebration. Last minute shopping used to stress me out to NO END. But the last few years, I've made it into a celebration...Christmas music, peppermint mochas, enjoying all the store's decorations. 

22. Go to a Christmas service. Regardless of your faith, there's something incredibly peaceful about Christmas services. 

23. Go look at Christmas lights. 

24. Celebrate Christmas Eve! My favorite day of the year! 

25. MERRY CHRISTMAS! Make it the best one ever! 

26. Have the MOST lazy day. Yesterday was probably crazy, take a break today! 

27. Spend some time reflecting on 2018. What do you hope to be different in 2019?

28. Write 2018 a letter. 

29. Write 2019 a letter. 

30. Set some goals! Whatcha gonna do with this new year headed your way?

31. Celebrate New Years! 

How will you be spending December?
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