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Tuesday, January 8, 2019

just write: new year's thoughts.

think of last year
of all it brought you. 
the people you didn't know the year before
who you can't survive without now. 
the nights you got to dance through &
the laughter you got to share &
the places you went &
the lips you kissed &
the hope you felt &
the things you saw 
all in the span of one year. 
it was hard, maybe
but it was good and full 
and it shaped you. 
remember that, when this year gets hard
(as it almost certainly will):
that while it may be hard
it is also full &
giving &
always shaping. 

it's not too late to start over 
the second, the seventh, the twelfth of next month
all perfectly good days to start fresh. 
but please don't feel like you have to. 
start over, that is. 
you are good, here, now.
just as you are. 

you don't have to let go 
if you are not ready. 
a page turning, a clock ticking, a calendar flipping
none of it means you have to let go. 
it's okay that you still need to work through that thing &
it's okay that you can't stop thinking about them & 
it's okay that you're not ready to say, "it's okay" quite yet. 
all of these things are a part of you
of you, just as you are, right now.
& you don't have to let go of any piece of yourself 
unless you are ready. 

it really is amazing, when you think about it. 
the fact that you woke up today. 
all of the things last year that could have killed you 
but didn't 
all of the ways the world could have broken you 
but didn't 
all of the times you could have given up 
but didn't. 
it really is amazing 
so allow yourself to be amazed. 
you did it. 

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