My Favorite Things I Discovered This Month: February 2019.
Vita body blur. || This is expensive, but it's probably going to last me my whole life, because a little goes a looooong way, and it's definitely not an everyday thing. Unless, of course, you go out on the town every day and wanna be glam, in which case, you go, Dolly Parton! Every day for you! It's basically a bronzer/concealer/spray tan all in one that washes off. I bought this on a whim (AKA, I was having a bad day that spiraled into a treat yo'self moment and saw Becca Tilley post about this) and I'm so glad I did! It makes my legs look like 15% as good as a Victoria Secret model's legs, and really, isn't that all anyone can ask for?
Target cleaners. || Target has these new cleaners that are branded "Smells like...." and are also ONLY $1.59. "Smells like a citrus grove" is my favorite one, and it makes my house smell SO GOOOOOD. Side note: Is this what being an adult is? Being excited about cheap house cleaning products? Bless.
Zit patches. || Non-gross description: These are magic and if you ever break out, you need them. More detailed, kinda gross description: You know how when you start to get a zit, but it's not ready to come to the surface? So you either A) Have the patience of a monk and chill out for a few days with a mountain on your face, just dreading what's coming, or B) Are me, and try to pop it anyway, ending up with a bloody mess that looks way worse that the zit (that's still coming, by the way) would've looked had you just waited. These take care of that.
I don't know how they work, but if you're starting to get a pimple, you put the little sticker on before you go to bed (or during the day, doesn't matter) and roughly 8 hours later, all the gunky stuff that was under the surface was brought to the top and is now stuck to the sticker. See? Magic.
Lemon and mint tea. || Lauryn Evarts from The Skinny Confidential is always posting lemon and mint tea in her instagram stories, so I decided to try it. Oh my gosh, it's so nice! Just some lemon and fresh mint leaves in a cup of hot water. It's supposedly really good for bloat and detoxing, but also it's just delicious and refreshing. I've been making it every morning this month and I love it!