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Friday, November 21, 2014

Happy to be Alive, Because: Best. Week. Ever.

This week starts my favorite month of the entire year. I've been giddy (<--I erased that and tried to think of a different word that maybe didn't sound like a child in an early 1900's novel, but it's true--I've been straight up giddy, yo) since waking up yesterday morning because this week is going to be the best!

1. Mockingjay Tonight. This needs no explanation. I'm just really, really excited about it. 

2. THANKSGIVING. Chris and I celebrate Thanksgiving, just the two of us, on Wednesday, and it is one of my favorite days ever. Then we go see family on Thursday! So basically my heart feels as if it's going to explode for about 24 straight hours. And my stomach too, because turkey. 

3. Black Friday. I know there are a lot of opinions about black friday shopping, so if that offends you, just skip to the next one. I had never been black friday shopping until Chris took me two years ago, and I was instantly hooked. It's so much fun to drive around like crazy people together, listening to Christmas music and chugging peppermint mochas. And it's really nice when you have a tight budget--we pretty much knocked out most of our shopping in 24 hours last year!

4. I found out that my library will deliver books to your door. Megan told me about this, and it is life-changing. 

5. This morning, while watching the sunrise and drinking peppermint mochas, my word count crept over 37,000. NaNoWriMo, you've been good to me this year. 

What are your Thanksgiving plans for the week? 


  1. This looks like a fantastic week, I'm excited for it for you! If my library would deliver books I might freak out a little, that would be amazing.

  2. Your library delivers? Well then, no reason to leave the house all winter. ;) What an awesome service!

  3. 1 - I mean, DUH.
    2 - SO HAPPY.
    3 - Girl, I feel you. I never have ever hunted down any one good deal in particular, but I agree, it's such a fun adventure just to be together on more of like a scavenger hunt. We usually sleep in a little bit, then grab a giant coffee from 7-11 and then head out to see what we can find! SO.MUCH.FUN.
    4 - I wish.

    I'm really really looking forward to just three days of work and then a FOUR DAY WEEKEND. Love love love it.

  4. I absolutely adore that you two celebrate Thanksgiving on your own. I've never participated in Black Friday, but apparently I'm going to this year. EEK.

  5. If my library delivered? Oh man. I can't even handle that. I think my neighbors would think I was a drug dealer with the high amount of traffic going on at my house! :P

  6. This is such a happy and exciting week for you! Love that you're at 37,000 words...I haven't written at all this week but I'm hoping to have some major sit down and just write time next week when I have the whole week off. You are going to LOVE mockingjay!

  7. yayayay!! and wow 37,000 words!! impressive!!

  8. Yay for 37,000 words and peppermint mochas! Oh my gosh, I would be so excited if my library delivered to my door! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! :)

  9. I am so jealous your library delivers!!!!

  10. We're seeing Mocking Jay on thanksgiving! Can't wait. And deliveries to your door? That is AWESOME. Congrats on 37k words.

  11. We're seeing Mockingjay on Tuesday night, I can't wait!

  12. Black Friday shopping really IS addicting.

    Can't wait to see Mockingjay!!

  13. How was Mockingjay?!?! I'm dying to see it! Also, your library delivers?!?! That is the most incredible thing I've ever heard. I wonder if mine does!!!!

  14. canada has started to hop on the black friday bandwagon but its not nearly as good as our boxing day which is the day after christmas. so now i just online shop on black friday from you muricans

  15. Black Friday - I could take it or leave it. Depends on my mood! :) If I go I usually decide last minute, but I do love the thrill of it. haha! I wish our library delivered books to the door - I would DEFINITELY read more books if that were the case! And how fun that you and Chris celebrate Thanksgiving a day early with each other. That's a neat tradition to have. :)

  16. Wooo! 37,000 words! Are you writing a sequel to book 1 or something else?

  17. I love love love super pink puffy heart Thanksgiving week.

    WHAT is this about door to door delivery?

    I am in the middle of nowhere on Black Friday, but I am in some tiny local shops.

  18. I can't wait to see Mockingjay!! I've heard it's SO good. I read the books, but the movies are always a different experience. We already celebrated Thanksgiving in Canada, but all this talk has me feeling hungry again. Our pumpkin pie season always ends too soon! We also don't do Black Friday here and while I've always thought it sort of sounded like torture, you sure make it sound fun!

  19. I want my library to deliver books to my door!

  20. Oh I can't wait to see Mockingjay! and I have to see if my library delivers ASAP thanks for sharing that tip!

  21. I watched Mockingjay, and omg, what a nail biter!! I loved every minute of it, but felt afterwards as if I had run a marathon. I was at the edge of my seat the entire time!! SO, so good. Enjoy the rest of your week, it all sounds amazing!

  22. i'm excited for thanksgiving week too - i'm not going out for black friday but i'm excited for some cyber monday deals!

  23. MOC. KING. JAY. was amazing. My brother, his girlfriend, and I went to see it Thursday at midnight (per tradition) and I can't wait until we do it again for the next installment!

  24. Oh we need to see mockingjay.. though i've heard mixed reviews bc whenever they split a movie like that in half.. the first half is setting the tone for the rest of it.. and then it stops right before anything happens. may have to wait till the next one is out and watch them both all at once. haha

  25. So jealous about both seeing Mockingjay and that your library delivers!

  26. Library books delivered to your door??? Yes please! How did you like Mockingjay? I loved it and I am super bummed we have to wait so long for the next movie. I'll probably just read the books a couple of times before hand! =] Have a great Thanksgiving!!

  27. What did you think of Mockingjay?! I loooved it eeeek!!!! They have come far from the first movie!


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