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Friday, August 15, 2014

Happy to be Alive, Because: Vacations & Mechanical Bulls.

1. I've been on vacation all week and it has been incredible. No responsibilities and lots of free time...perfection. 

2. Just about every day this week has been a pool day. I now have a tan that teenage me would have had the first week of summer, but adult me is pretty proud of it.

3. I rode a mechanical bull. 

Sorry for the bad picture, but really...when's the last time you saw a mechanical bull somewhere with good lighting?

At the beginning of this year I decided that one thing I didn't like about myself was that I was too timid. So this year I've been trying to say yes as much as possible and stop letting "no" be my first reaction to everything. So on Wednesday night I rode a mechanical bull while wearing a dress. And it was fantastic. 

4. Even though I'm super sad that we have to go back to the real world on Monday, I can't help but think about how lucky I am to live with someone every day who I would want to spend a week of vacation with. This next week may include a lot more work and a lot less pool, but it'll still include coffee in the morning with my very best friend. And that's pretty great. 

5. My parents and little brother are coming over today! I can't wait for them to see why I love where I live so freakin' much.

Happy Friday! Cheers to vacations and to real life, too. 

What made you happy to be alive this week?


  1. How fun! I want to ride a mechanical bull! Have fun with your fam!

  2. I am the same way with saying no, it is my default answer and I am working on it. Now, where is MY mechanical bull, darn it!

  3. Wow a bull! You go girl! And in a dress nonetheless! Timid no more! ;)

  4. Such a sweet pic of you two lovebirds! Way to go on the mechanical bull!! Pretty jealous you had a week off and spent it at the pool!! Have a great weekend!!

  5. How exciting! I once rode a mechanical bull in a dress and that didn't turn out very well, but I didn't realize it until somebody told me the next day haha. That is so sweet of you to say about your hubby! I feel the same way, I love living with and doing as many things as I can with my Fiance!

  6. I rode a mechanical bull on vacation in Mexico in a bikini for much the same reason that you did. Why not? Just live a little and do it!! It was fun. Glad you are enjoying your vacation. : )

    1. Oh my gosh! I had to come back and comment here because just today someone got to my blog with the search words 'are women who ride mechanical bull asking for it.' Too funny!!! Well the answer is yes. We are asking for fun!!!!

  7. Week long vacations are the best! I am going on one end of August and hope to have a first-week of summer for teenage me tan too.

  8. I'm glad you guys had a great vacation!

    You go on the bull!

  9. I love that you rode a mechanical bull, I've always wanted to do that! Way to go adventurous girl!!!

  10. It sounds like you had a great vacation!

    My baby nephew is visiting this week and hanging out with him has made me happy. :)

  11. So apparently I've never lived! I need to find myself a mechanical bull! Awesome! GREAT photo of you and your beau.

  12. I'm a firm believer everyone should ride a mechanical bull, just once, maybe twice. How sweet is that picture of you and your man!? Enjoy your weekend.

  13. I have never ridden a mechanical bull but it's on my "to do" list!! :) You and your hubby are so cute together- that's a great picture!

  14. Happy vacation! And I would love to ride a mechanical bull it looks so fun! Although I'd need a drink or two to hop on!

  15. Ahhh, how nice to be on vacay! You deserve it! I'm so glad you've been having a good time. Have a great week!

  16. Aww how nice!! Love the mechanical bull pic :)

  17. I love how you rode a mechanical bull!! It's always been something K & I have wanted to do, so now maybe we'll have the courage to follow through!

    xo, B

  18. Cute photo of you and the guy! I was planning to ride a bull while in New Orleans but it never happened. Probably a good things cause I would have probably broke an arm or something. Looks fun though! ;-)

  19. breakfast in bed always makes me happy!!

  20. mondays are the worst but glad you had a great vacay! love that shot of you two


  21. I love these posts of yours! That sounds like an awesome week!


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