You need a dog.
I've compiled a list of reasons why. You're welcome.
1. Your happiness depends on it. Let's just go ahead and get this one out of the way. Such great happiness awaits you, you have no idea.
2. They think you're amazing, no matter what. Miss a deadline? Screw up at work? Fail a test? It doesn't matter to them. Fill their food bowl up? Trophies! Oscars! All the awards for you!
3. You automatically have something to blog/instagram/tweet about. Had a bad hair day for the last four days? No worries, your cute pup always looks good. Instagram away.
4. They teach you responsibility. Forget getting a job. You want to learn responsibility? Get a puppy. It turns out, keeping something alive, happy, and comfortable actually takes a lot of effort.
5. They understand that sometimes you don't want to talk. And sometimes you want to talk a lot. I have a husband. If I come home happy and talkative, or sad and quiet, or angry and very talkative..well, his mood is going to change based on that. Dogs don't care. "You had a great day? Here, play fetch with me. You had a terrible day? Here, play fetch with me."
6. They give you something to look forward to. I have a pretty long commute home from work, and my husband usually works later than I do. Instead of coming home to an empty house, it's so much fun coming home to someone who's been waiting all day for you and acts like you just won best person of the whole year by coming home to them. Sloppy kisses all around!
7. Built in snuggle buddy for life. I mean, come on.
8. They're good practice for kids. My dog has started this really cute thing where he wakes up at 4:00AM and starts barking until you get up. If I thought I was ready for a kid, this would be a real quick smack back to reality.
9. They make a great excuse. Don't want to go out tonight? "Oh, sorry. I would love to, but I need to let my dog out."
10. They just make your life better, it's as simple as that. Anyone who has ever had a dog knows that your life is just happier when there's a little furry friend involved.
What would you add to this list?