NOTE: I still get some of these comments, and we've been married for almost two years.
1. Are you pregnant?
Every. Single. Time. #RUDE.
2. But I'm're like, a baby.
Ironically, this was most often said by people who were a whopping six months or so older than me.
3. But do you even know how to be married?
I'm pretty sure no one knows how to be married until they actually get married.
4. But how do you know that's what you want forever?
This is always a thinly veiled, "but how do you know there's not someone better out there?" And no matter how I answer it, we end back up at: "BUT HOW DO YOU KNOW?!"
And this matters to you because...?
6. How are you going to have money to live?
I'm pretty sure it costs money to money to live no matter if you're married or not.
7. Do you know that people who get married young are more likely to get divorced?
Do you know that people who spend their time telling other people statistics about their life are more likely to end up with zero friends?
Not a clue. But I know I want to get married, so there's that.
9. Do your parents know about this?
Nope, my parents have no idea, but I'm telling you, random stranger. Nailed it.
10. I would never get married that young. I mean, your life is basically over.
Anyone who thinks that their life is over once they get married should probably just not get married, no matter how old they are.
11. Why the rush?
I mean, I didn't know three years was rushing things, but that's cool.
12. But really...are you pregnant?
Okay, bye.
Get married, don't get married...I think everyone should just do whatever they want. I wanted to get married, so I did.
I think that meeting the person I wanted to marry so young is the luckiest thing in the world. It means we get to grow up together. Instead of telling my husband stories about things like my first real job, or my 21st birthday, or my first car wreck, I can just say, "hey, remember that?"
And I think that's pretty freaking cool.
Have you ever been asked these questions?