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Friday, November 14, 2014

NaNoWriMo Writer's Block.

Writer's block is inevitable no matter who you are. Whether you procrastinated too long on a term paper, or you're trying to come up with a blog post on a Monday, or you're trying to write a story and your normally creative brain suddenly becomes very boring, writer's block is something that just happens.

If you're doing NaNoWriMo right now, writer's block is definitely something that happens. You're almost halfway through, likely super behind on your word count, and probably having a lot of thoughts that start with, "next year. . ." 

I've read a lot of things about writer's block, and I've even talked talked about it on here--steps you can take, how to fight it, etc, etc, etc. 

But at the end of the day, the answer to overcoming writer's block is the simplest and the most cliche of them all. 

Just write anyway. 

Sometimes you write something, and it in that moment, it truly doesn't matter to you if anyone else will ever read those words. It doesn't matter if anyone else will ever like those words. All that matters is you wrote them and you like them, and they're yours. 

When moments like that happen, you are invincible. One novel? Psh. How about five? I could do this forever.

And it's for moments like that one that you have to keep writing. 

So keep writing. Write through the writer's block, write through the words that look weird to you, write through the sentences and paragraphs and pages and plots that you think you probably for sure hate. 

If you're behind on your word count, keep writing. If you're ahead of your word count, don't stop. 

Just keep writing. 

Because you are a writer, and you need to be writing. 

Linking up with Rachael & Juliette to talk about all things writer's block!

How do you deal with Writer's block?