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Monday, November 17, 2014

Mondays are for Fresh Starts & Free Stuff.

Mondays get a bad rep. 

It's true--the day that takes away free time and not having to set an alarm probably isn't anyone's favorite. But I've started liking Mondays more and more lately. 

Mondays are a fresh start. They're the beginning of a brand new week. They're full of potential and ideas and dreams, if you want them to be.

So yes, you may have to wake up earlier than you would like. You may have to go to a job that you spent the last two days trying to forget about. But you're alive, and you've got a brand new week to do whatever you want with. And that's just exciting. 

Pour yourself an extra cup of coffee or two, and take on this week. It's gonna be a good one. 

And, since encouraging words aren't always enough to turn a Monday into something happy, I have not one, but two giveaways for you to enter! 

Enter to win $40 of Christmas money: HERE.

Enter to win $100 to Better Life Bags:

What's your favorite thing about Monday?


  1. Oh MONDAYS!!! Well, first of all, I love your inspirational Monday talk. Mondays are always so different in different phases of life. Right now my Mondays are when I feel like I have the energy to tie the baby on and do chores because by Friday, it's more challenging for me to get to-dos checked off with the baby. I

  2. such a good reminder! happy monday to you!!

  3. I can always count on you for a positive reminder! I love the routine of Mondays. As much as I enjoy the weekend I just don't get as much done without a "schedule", I always feel so productive on a monday.

  4. I agree, I try to look at Mondays as a fresh start. Tuesdays? Tuesdays are evil!!! Haha!

  5. Such a cute giveaway! Mondays do get a bd rep but just four more days and it's back to the weekend ;)

  6. I rarely mind Mondays. My beef lies with Tuesday! HAHA

  7. This Monday is my Friday, so I love it! The joys of shift work. :-)

  8. I agree, they are a fresh start and another day of breathing :) I have been missing the weekend though a little today, it was such a nice relaxing weekend at home haha. PS- I just love your blog, it makes me smile every time I visit. Your positive words and happy design!

  9. My favorite thing about Monday is that it's really my Thursday, which makes tomorrow my Friday!

  10. I needed this reminder today! Thank you!! I love how you always make me feel more positive. Happy Monday!

  11. Funny enough, Monday's are great for me because my kids have school that day and it is my day to catch up on life and do some blogging/writing;)

  12. Ahhh, completely agree!!! Also: just cleaning out my inbox on a Monday morning, I've found, is the PERFECT way to start the week. Even if I don't do ANYTHING else for the rest of the day, I feel so accomplished!

  13. Cute bag!! Happy Monday!
    Melanie @

  14. I used to hate Mondays but I don't mind them anymore. I think it helps that with my new job I don't mind going to work anymore. :) This morning one of the students brought in cupcakes that she made for the staff yesterday with a note that said, "Happy Monday!" This post totally reminded me of that. :)

  15. I totally agree about Mondays! I'm usually excited for the week and running on a pretty good amount of sleep at that point, so they're okay with me! Plus, free stuff, hello.

  16. Mondays have always been a favorite of mine! haha I guess ever since I have owned my photography business.. I always worked weekends. this meme made me laugh recently:

  17. Woo!! I always try to think of Monday as a new start. I'm glad someone else does too :)


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