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Wednesday, March 18, 2015

just write: for my parents, on their twentieth anniversary.

one day we’ll meet by chance, 
when a mistake turns out to be fate.
we’ll start building a future together
amidst unexpected baby gates.

we’ll have two kids who won’t end up
anything like we expect.
it will be perfect, because I have you
no matter what comes next.

we’ll move around to here and there
before we end up by the sea. 
and it will scare you more than once, 
but it will be perfect, because you have me. 

there will be days when we wonder
how we’ll ever make it last.
and twenty years later we’ll wonder 
how it all went by so fast. 

it will be perfect, because I have you
no matter what’s in store. 
and I will look at you and say

“let’s do twenty more.”


  1. So incredibly sweet, lady! Happy 20 to your parents!

  2. What a beautiful tribute to your parents and their marriage!

  3. this is beautiful! what a touching tribute :)

  4. This is perfect! They sure loved it I bet :)

  5. Awe, this is so sweet and so TRUE, I would give this to my husband in a second;)

  6. This is awesome. Happy anniversary to your parents.

  7. Happy Anniversary to them! What a wonderful gift for them!

  8. I hope you gave this to them in a frame to hang in their home!!

  9. My bet is they cry when they read this. Wow Chelsea this is both adorable and beautiful!!

  10. This is so sweet! I love it!

  11. Cute :) My parents will be at 33 this August! I love it

  12. This was so beautiful, I loved it!


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