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Thursday, March 19, 2015

Struggles All Dog Lovers Know to be Real.

Feeling the urge to run into the other room whenever you hear a Sara McLachlan song.

Feeling so bad about leaving your dog at home that you actually consider canceling your plans.

Telling someone that out loud, then realizing that you are crazy and are probably going to die alone. 

Not canceling your plans in the spirit of trying to not die alone, and then wondering if your dog is okay. Are they just sitting there, waiting for you to come home? What do they even do without you?

Did you turn the oven off?

Feeling bad about not saving a bite for your pup.

Thinking you did something wrong when they don't want to snuggle. 

Putting off vacuuming for much longer than you should because you're pretty sure that kills a little bit of your dog's soul. 

Thinking on more than one occasion how much easier life would be if you could just text your dog and ask if the oven is off or if you need to come back home. 

Trying to figure out creative ways and excuses to bring your dog everywhere with you.

Thinking you probably really need to get another dog, so your current dog won't be lonely.

...But really, did you turn the oven off?