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Monday, April 27, 2015

just write: like cheap champagne.

I’m feeling young and reckless,
but I’ve still got a nine-to-five.
it’s hard to make sure rent gets paid
and still feel so alive.
so fill my glass with champagne,
the kind from the five dollar aisle,
and top it off with St -Germain 
and we’ll feel expensive for a while.
life can quickly become mundane
and start to feel a little cheap,
but it takes just a bit of magic 
to remind you to still dream.
so let’s take these fancy glasses
and toast under the stars
with both the boring and the whimsical,  
because that’s life-it’s where we are.


  1. I am not kidding, this might be my favorite yet.

  2. You managed to put my thoughts into words.....

  3. This speaks to my soul. For reals.

  4. I love this. It only takes a bit of magic indeed.

  5. I sincerely hope you're writing a book of poetry Chelsea!!!

  6. I LOVE THIS....oh my goodness, this just made my day. Your me all the heart eye emoji faces.

  7. Love love love this! And now I want a glass of champagne :)

  8. Absolutely beautiful! I love it! I agree with the others - I hope you are writing a book of poetry.

  9. How beautiful! I'll take some cheap champagne just to feel a little expensive!

  10. I hope you realize I mean this as the highest compliment but this sounds like it could be a Taylor Swift song. I can just picture her acting all this out fabulously in a music video and singing along.

  11. This is amazing. I really needed this!!! xoxo

  12. I want to print this out and hang it on my wall.

  13. Bravo, friend. I'm tipping my five-dollar bottle of wine to you. :)


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