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Thursday, April 23, 2015

(More) People Who Need to Stop Killing my Vibe.

Part one here. 

When you compliment my outfit and ask something like, "Is it Free People?!" And I tell you it's from Forever 21, and you say, "Oh...hmm."

When you tell me the movie was better than the book.

When I'm eating dinner with you and you're like, "Gah I'm such a fatty, this is my one cheat day, I'm eating lettuce for the rest of the week." And I'm just over here eating my cheeseburger thinking it's a normal Thursday.

When I'm blissfully enjoying a cup of coffee and you tell me how tea or hot water is so much better for you and how coffee is probably going to kill me.

When I'm ordering at a restaurant or checking out at the grocery store and you feel the need to tell me my healthy/not healthy ratio of food is off.


When a Taylor song comes on and it's highlight of my night and you interrupt my jam session to tell me that Taylor Swift is overrated.

Who needs to stop killing your vibe?


  1. Hahaha. Luckily, no one in my parts really knows anything about Free People, but I definitely pretend like my Target wardrobe is much fancier than it is. ;)
    Also, I had some kids come in the library the other day. One was talking about books and brought up "The Maze Runner". The other said, "I haven't seen it yet." I said, "You mean, you haven't READ it yet." She said, "Uh. You know it's a movie, right? I don't need to read it anymore." Sigh.
    Another also. People can tell me coffee will kill me alllll the want, but coffee is what is keeping me from killing them. Soooooo.... ;)

  2. Hahaha. This is too good. I needed this reminder this morning. SO great.

  3. Haha this is amazing! I love all of your pitch perfect gifs. XD
    Mae :)

  4. COFFEE is good for you!! Love this post so much! Why are people so rude?!

  5. All of these. ALL. Also cheeseburgers every day of the week.

  6. I love this! These are all so true! The one about the cheeseburger took me back to the train ride to Montana at the end of March. After living on train food for a day (which is not healthy and isn't necessarily the tastiest, but it's what you have to work with) my friend and I were sitting there eating our final meal for that trip and this lady walked past. She stopped and said, "Oh, do they have peanut butter sandwiches in the cafe car too?" We were like, "Uh..." and she looked at the person behind us, who must have had an open jar of peanut butter, and she's like, "Oh, you brought it on. I was going to say... I went down there and all I saw were those nasty sandwiches." And then she walked off.

    And the way she said it, it didn't come off like she was trying to be rude or put us down, she appeared to be totally oblivious to what she said and how it came off. But we were like, "Um, okay."

  7. Yes to every single one of these!!! Why do people gotta be harshing our vibe???

  8. This is great, I love it!

    I'm eating a cheeseburger and it's just a Tuesday! Don't listen to the coffee people, it's good for you!

  9. Hahahaha yes to all of these! I especially hate the first one when I'm rocking a new bag or shoes and they ask where I got it and my "JC Penney" or "" isn't the response they were thinking and then their "oh" makes me feel so pitiful after I just received the compliment. Seriously people, you liked it 5 seconds ago.

  10. I do not want to hear people frowning on the food choices (or drink choices) of others. I also hate when people over-talk fat/exercise when I'm trying to enjoy my food. Stop it.

  11. Yep I agree with all of them! Especially the "Cheat Day" one. Just eat your food and enjoy it please...cause I wanna enjoy mine! Also I did my own version of this post over on my blog today but I did make sure to give you credit because you were the inspiration behind it!

  12. Yes. Literally to everything you just posted - yes. The Forever 21 people are just jealous that you got the same look for less money.

  13. Hahaha I love this and can so relate to all of it. PEOPLE NEED TO SHUT THEIR FACES.

  14. I hate all of those people. I can't stand it when I'm with a friend and we are eating ice cream merrily and watching some girly movie and she's like "Wow I really need to work extra hard at the gym tomorrow, I'm so fat, I haven't eaten ice cream like this in months!" and I'm in my head like "I eat ice cream like this every day..."

  15. LOL I love this! I can definitely relate to most / all of these.
    When people were questioning me for the longest time asking, "When are you getting your license?" I finally got it, and was so proud. Now I get, "So..getting a car?" -_-

  16. When you ask to turn on the radio and so you turn it on and then they start talking. Really? Why did you say we could listen to the radio? (Plus, it's a Taylor song) Haha, great list! :)

  17. Hahahaha. My husband has interrupted my T. Swift jam session before. He knows better now. :)

  18. Taylor Swift is and always will be PERFECT!

  19. HA HA ! Awesome, you made me laugh! =)

  20. Haha I LOVE this. Forever 21 forever...and I'm 29 ha. P.S I had to include you in my 20 top blogs to follow post.

  21. I love T Swift. I don't care what anyone says.

    And *sometimes*, on VERY rare occasions, the movie actually is better than the book...Just sayin...

  22. AH I HATE IT WHEN PEOPLE HATE ON TAYLOR AND OBSESS OVER HEALTHY FOOD LIKE SERIOUSLY!? And movies are like never better than the book... ever. How do you convey on screen what you can convey in words???

    The Life of Little Me

  23. YES...LET ME DRINK MY FATTY STARBUCKS!! hahaaha...this is perfect girl!

  24. Meme posts are seriously intimidating to me! I'm always so impressed then think, "That would take me 17 hours to do!" I love these!!! Thank you. You know I feel awkward when I share some "mommy hardship" with another mom and I get a blank stare like it must be something I'm doing wrong! AH! LOL

  25. Girl, you are taking the thoughts out of my brain right now. ALL OF THESE. Except I'd trade T-Swift for 1D, but it still works ;) I always wish I had these sassy gifs to whip out in these situations. Instead, they just get my unimpressed face. Let me enjoy my cheeseburger in peace while wearing my F21 clothes and it won't kill you bro.

  26. Again, I must say - you are the most creative person I know! You can "whip" these things out without blinking an eye. They are all so TRUE. You have the BEST WAY of saying them! I commend you for what you are doing with your blog! Keep it up! I always look forward to the next one!

  27. I love these posts and agree with all of the above! The movie is never better than the book. Come on people!

  28. Hahaha the food shaming! I hate when people start talking about how carbs are the devil while I'm eating a huge bowl of pasta. Take your salad to the next table please!

  29. Good laugh!! Whenever I tell people I get something at F21 they look at my like I'm crazy. Hey, I'm a budget shopper and love digging through the racks, so what if I'm 32?! Also I hate when people judge me for what I'm buying at Panera or at the grocery store just because I'm preggo. Back off!

  30. Hahaha I love love love this post!! So funny! I get the same reaction that you do with F21 except I take it a step lower cuz I tell them I got it at the thrift store and they're never as excited as I am! Whatever. The people that are eating delicious food and I ask them about the recipe and they're like "oh I just threw together (insert super complicated recipe)" then they're like "what'd you make for dinner"? Um peanut butter and jelly sandwiches is on the menu. Those people need to stop reigning on my parade and acting like gourmet cooking is NBD to them :p

  31. negative people in general kill my vibe! day after day, negative comments and a negative outlook on life, i know some people like that and it's a horrible way to live.

  32. Haha yes! I have a roommate who is really upset when she hasn't had time to work out during the week and I'm over here like, "Work out? What's that?"


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