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Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Goodbye September, Hello October.

Goodbye, September. 

Goodbye to anxious nights looking over residency applications a fifth or sixth "one final time."

Goodbye to putting off my ever-growing to-do list...this baby is coming soon!

Goodbye to spending days in the park, finalizing our list of places we want to live and drinking the best sweet tea (thanks, Birmingham!).

Goodbye to saying, "I can't wait until we turn applications in!" 

Goodbye to tanktops and shorts.

Goodbye to the beginning of fall.

Hello, October. 

Hello to one of the most magical months of the year.

Hello to full blown, all out fall, every day.

Hello to a season that makes it easy to fall in love with life.

Hello to interview offers.

Hello to exploring cities that may be our new home!

Hello to slipping a pumpkin in my grocery cart every time before check-out.

Hello to fall dates, candy parties, pumpkin parties, and more time spent outside.

Hello to weather that is hopefully cool enough to sit outside with a blanket and a cup of coffee.

Hello to the time of the year that just makes me feel alive.

What are you saying hello and goodbye to in October?