October is here! One of the most magical months of all! I love every second of October and its boots and sweaters and pumpkins and happiness. It's just the best.
Also, I'm 25 weeks pregnant today. I won't even say BUT HOW?! Because I have come to terms that I am living in some sort of twilight zone-ish alternative universe in which everything to do with the baby is moving at warp speed.
I'm fine, really.
- This is my second favorite month, next month is my third favorite month, and December is my favorite month. Every year, the span between this day and December 25th is so full of magic. Every year, it flies by. The only difference is that this year, I've got a baby due about two weeks after Christmas. So the thought of the next three months flying by is insane. And maybe a little bit terrifying.
- I always wake up on October 1st and feel absolutely giddy about what the next three months hold. This year is no different...there's the candy party, fall date, baby shower, Thanksgiving, Black Friday, CHRISTMAS EVERYTHING...it's the best. But today, I woke up thinking how next October first, I'll be feeling the same way, except that I'll have a tiny little love in the picture to do it all with. The thought of that fills me with so many emotions, I can't even begin to explain it. How crazy and unexpected life is. How beautiful.
- I now wake up when he says so, because I can't sleep through his moving around. I imagine he's stretching and waking up, saying, "Yo, mom, where's that pumpkin spice coffee at? Let's get on that."
- My mom and I registered for the little guy this week!! So surreal and so FUN. My mom is my best friend, so it was so much fun to do that with her. And it was fun because at least half of the things we saw, we were both like: "What is this? Do we need this? Probably. Right? Why are there so many things? Whatever, it's going on the list." Of course, we went into the process armed with venti Pumpkin Spice ammo...it was needed.
25 weeks down, 15(ish) to go. 15 has never seemed like such a tiny number.
Happy October, guys! I hope you have the most magical day today. I'll be over here eating anything pumpkin that I can get my hands on and praying for weather cool enough to break out my boots.
How are you celebrating October being here?