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Thursday, October 29, 2015

29 Weeks: Things I want to remember.

The last week of October means fall dates and pumpkin patch visits! 
  • First things first: I passed my glucose test! I do not have diabetes, nor do I have to stop eating copious amounts of sugar. Not that I'm doing that. No, you have a problem.
  • I've been so excited that I'm due in January because there's a brand new women's wing of the hospital opening at the end of the year, and that's where I'll have my baby. I found out yesterday that they pushed their opening back two weeks after my due date. So I will not be delivering at the fancy hotel-like new hospital. When my doctor told me this, he said "I have to tell people, the team taking care of you is more important than your thread count." This made me wonder if people complain about the sheets a lot, and if I would be judged for bringing my own sheets. Please advise. Again: No, you have a problem. 
  • Interviews kicked off this week...we went to Miami last week, and are headed to Ohio this week. It's so crazy trying to imagine having a baby in these places. Life is weird. But also really good. 

29 weeks down, 11(ish) to go. That's 77 days, in case you were wondering. This. Is. Real.