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Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Three Years of Marriage.

What. A. Year. 

The third year of marriage was nothing like I expected, but it was the best so far. There were lots of ups and downs, lots of good times and bad times, lots of in sickness and in health. Most of all, there was teamwork-we're a team when it's time to work through the hard things, and we're a team when it's time to celebrate the good. 

I know that in the grand scheme of things, 3 years of marriage may not seem long enough to be significant. But for me, it's already been a lifetime of adventure and learning and growing. A lifetime of building a life with my very best friend. 

December 29th will always be a favorite day of mine, because it will always be the day that we changed our lives forever. The day we became a family. The day we chose each other. And we've been choosing each other every day since. 

Being married to you is my greatest adventure. Happy 3 years...cheers to many, many more. 


  1. Happy happy 3 years! you guys seriously had a huge year and only more wonderful things to come :)

  2. happy 3 years! here's to it getting better and better each year that goes by.

  3. Happy Anniversary! So many great things to come in year 4--another big adventure :)

  4. Happy Anniversary! Wishing you many more years of happiness!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  5. Happy 3 year anniversary! Hope you have many more :).

  6. Happy anniversary! I hope y'all have a great day celebrating, and here's to many more!

  7. Congratulations. Happy 3 years and cheers to what a special year it's been for you!

  8. Happy Anniversary! That song is the background of our wedding video :)

  9. Happy anniversary! We will be celebrating our three years in May!

  10. Wishing you the happiest of anniversaries! I love reading about all of your adventures xxx

    Sophie Cliff

  11. Happy Anniversary! We get to celebrate 3 years in April :) I love your wedding picture!

  12. Happy anniversary! Definitely a huge milestone for you guys this year. You'll be parents soon!!

  13. Sweet post! Happy anniversary and cheers to many more years!

  14. This is so sweet, Happy Anniversary to you both!

  15. Year 3 has been my favorite yet! Happy anniversary!

  16. Happy Anniversary! You two are the cutest little love birds!

  17. Loving that gorgeous wedding pic, you guys are both glowing! Happy 3rd anniversary <3

    Green Fashionista

  18. Congratulations!! Three years is a long time! Three years of adventure and working together :) I am so happy to have connected with you through our blogs! Xo, Megan

  19. Happy Anniversary! Cheers to many more happy and healthy years!

  20. happy anniversary to y'all! this was so precious.

  21. Happy anniversary to you both! Hope it was a wonderful one!

  22. This is so sweet. Happy anniversary you two! My husband and I are only in our first year, but so far it's been one of the best of my life. Wishing you all the best!

  23. Happy Anniversary! I don't know much about marriage but I do know it just seems to get better and better. Cheers to many more years together!


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