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Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Thirty-Two Weeks With Jack: Allllllll of The Pictures.

I really love blogging for so many reasons, and one of those is that it gives me an excuse to remember the little moments in life. On Thursday, Jack turned 32 weeks old. Thanks to this blog, I'll have a sweet little collection of little moments from weeks 29-32...which is great, since I've yet to get around to making a baby book or printing pictures or scrapbooking.

Also, this means he's 20 weeks away from being an entire year old. Too early to start party planning? Don't answer that.

Week twenty-nine: 
sleepy eyes, sleepy smile // we found a new mexican restaurant and chris gave you a lemon. you made terrible faces, but kept licking it // the cutest krispy kreme mascot there ever was // all decked out in your pool gear 

sleepy bear // you learned to stick your tongue out and make funny noises // your face when you think you're getting frozen yogurt vs your face when you realize you're not getting any frozen yogurt (I crack myself up)

Week Thirty:
the happiest babe // you love playing with toys now // so peaceful when you sleep // my happy little bub 

your first doctor's appointment in Gainesville // I have so many blurry pictures of you now because you are on the move! // just hanging out in your bathrobe // smiling and bouncing, your favorite things. 

Week Thirty-One: 

my favorite selfie-taking partner // future prez // baby toes // you and gatsby just hanging out. 

movie-watching buddies // snuggles // you have a little toy tractor and it's your favorite toy // so proud of all your toys 

Week Thirty-Two:
always so smiley // passed out in church // silly faces // you're forever my favorite. 
Happy thirty-two weeks, baby jack! I love you thirty-two times more than I did when you were born. xoxo
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