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Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Coffee Talk.

If we were meeting for coffee outside, I might try to convince you to get this green drink instead. It's delicious and refreshing and for a coffee addict lover like me to go to Starbucks and get something other than coffee, you know it's good. 

And if we were having coffee here, we'd most definitely be outside. Because Florida got it's warmth back and I'm super happy about it. 

I'd tell you that my friend Erica had me over on her blog answering some questions. A lot of people email me asking me the question she asked about finding time to blog, and then when I email them back, never respond. I assume it's because I didn't have the kind of answer they were hoping for, since my answer is basically something along the lines of just do it. So I'd ask for your answer: How do you make time for things that aren't your full-time job, but are still important to you? 

Speaking of making time for things and saving time, I'd tell you that these have been a lifesaver over the last few weeks. Just toss one of those and some meat and veggies in the crockpot and wham bam, dinner is ready 6 hours later.   

If we were having coffee, I'd tell you that the last week has been a huge wake-up call for me in terms of what's most important in life. Last week, I was watching the Bachelor finale with two friends and Chris. We were sitting on the floor eating Chuy's takeout while Jack was running around the room making us all laugh. And I thought, this. This is an important thing.  Sure, I had to wake up the next day and work. I still had uncomfortable emails to respond to. Disappointing news to deal with. But on the heels of a night where I really enjoyed what was truly important, the other, not-so-fun things didn't feel like as big of a deal anymore. I'd ask you if you were giving the most important things in your life a high enough priority, or if that's something you were working on, too. 

Your turn! What's going on with you?

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