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Friday, March 10, 2017

3 Things You Need to Know About.

Happy Friday! I spent the majority of yesterday thinking it was Friday, so I'm extra happy to see today. I plan on spending the majority of the weekend by the pool, or at the beach (or maybe both!), and also vacation planning. I asked for suggestions on instagram and got some good ones, so I've been researching beaches and condos and it's making me so excited. Who else loves the planning part of vacation?!

Now, on to three things you need to know about:

NBC has a This is Us playlist that they update every week. One of the ways this show reminds me of Parenthood (besides all of the ways) is the music. Their music choices are just so good. To be fair, if you actually watch This is Us, these songs will probably make you cry, but hey-they're really good songs. 

This face mask. And also this one. I've been using these both for about a week now and can actually tell a difference in my skin, which is great. 

Yoga for Anxiety. If you've had one of those weeks, take 15 minutes this weekend and go through this video. Sometimes you don't realize how tense you are until you take a break and stretch it out, and sometimes you don't realize how much you need to just sit and breathe until you do it.  

However you're spending this weekend, I hope it's a good one!

Now, tell me something I need to know about! 
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