That I need to slow down more.The Friday before Christmas, I spent the day at the beach with my family. No big special occasion, no plan, just beach chairs and publix subs (THE best) and watching Jack eat sand by the shovel-fulls. It was so relaxing and refreshing, especially in the middle of the go-go-go holiday season. I want more days like that in 2018.
That it's important to look back every now and then.I believe you learn the most about yourself from yourself, especially from past versions of yourself. I go back and forth on New Year's goals...sometimes I set them, sometimes I don't, sometimes they're very specific, sometimes they're vague. What I've decided to do for 2018 is to look back on this year and see where I was the happiest and where I wasn't, and take things from there. What of 2017 do I want more of, and what do I want less of?
That I shouldn't wait for a holiday just to spend time with my people, or give gifts.It doesn't have to be Christmas for me to go spend a day at the beach with my family. For New Years this year, my best friend and I are staying at a family friend's beach house. That house is there all year long, and we could stay there just about any given weekend. The dollar spot at Target (where, let's be honest, lots of my gifts for friends came from) is there all year long. The $10 I spent on a gift, I could spare just about any month. See what I'm saying here? I want more celebrations, special occasion or not.