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Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Love You, 2018: Part Two.

Guys, I highly suggest going through your pictures at the end of the month. I'm having a really crappy day over here (I'm sick...boooo), and it's easy to let a bad day(s) make you forget all the good days. But going through all these pictures this morning, I can't believe how good February was. 

...Me and Sam found a new favorite (and CHEAP) restaurant. 

...Moved Jack to a toddler bed, which he quickly figured out he could sneak out of and come join me instead. He's lucky he's so cute. 

...Took lots of blurry selfies with my little bff. 

...Took him to his first basketball game, which he loved. 

...Had a much needed day with my girls.

...Found the brightest wall in all of Gainesville. 

...Spent the day in St. Augustine.

...On the prettiest day of the year so far.

...Took Jack to Universal, where, out of all the fun things there, he fell in love with a set of steps and just wanted to play on those the whole day. 

...Spent a few days at the beach.

...Spent the day on the boat (my happy place, hands down). 

...Went to Mardi Gras and saw my girl Kelsea Ballerini.

...Worked a lot on my goal of becoming a runner and saw lots of pretty sunrises and sunsets because of it. 

What did the second part of 2018 look like for you?
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