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Wednesday, February 21, 2018

My Favorite Things I've Discovered in February.

Coconut Almond protein shakes. I wrote about my love for Vega protein + greens last month because I love being able to get spinach and kale and broccoli in a smoothie without sucking chewed up kale through a straw or (most importantly) being able to taste it. I went through the chocolate flavor pretty quick, and when I went to buy it again I saw this one. It tastes just like a pina colada. Seriously, so delicious. No added sugar, lots of protein, lots of greens, and PINA COLADA SMOOTHIE. Winwinwin.

Pacific Breeze & Coconut Clorox Wipes. Am I 80 years old that I got excited about Clorox wipes this month? Maybe. But here's the things...I hate the way disinfectant cleaners smell. But I'm gonna use them anyway, because, Jack. But these smell like a vacation. An actual vacation. Side note: No idea why they're so expensive on Amazon, I got them at Target for the same price as normal Clorox wipes.  

Up and Vanished Podcast. You know I love a good mystery podcast. I found this one by Googling "podcasts similar to Dirty John." While it wasn't as good as that one (just different-in my opinion, at least) it was fascinating. A case that had been cold for over a decade finally got some traction because of this podcast, and to see that play out was crazy. 

This bathing suit. Target comes through again with this one-piece. It's so cute, so comfortable, and just reminds me of summer. I feel like it would be flattering on any body-type, and I love that. 

What have you discovered this month that I need to know about?
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