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Thursday, November 1, 2018

Spending November: A To-Do List For Adventuring Through The Month.

HAPPY NOVEMBER YOU BEAUTIFUL HUMANS! Howwwww is it November, I don't know. But here we are!  

I love November. And whether you're team ALL THINGS CHRISTMAS AT MIDNIGHT or team MIDNIGHT ON THANKSGIVING AS THE GOOD LORD INTENDED, I think we can all agree November has a special kind of magic. 

Of course, I've got some suggestions for how you should spend your magical November. 

1. Try your hand at NaNoWriMo. If you're a writer of any kind, google this! 

2. Write thankful cards. Everyone loves getting mail. Get into the spirit of the season and send some "I'm thankful for you" notes. It'll make someone's day. 

3. Drink hot apple cider. 'Tis the season! 

4. Get your pumpkin fix. Christmas is coming with its peppermint. Eat allll the pumpkin things while you can!

5. Make those Christmas lists. It's early but do you want to be stressed out over Christmas shopping? No, you do not.

6. VOTE. For the love of goodness. 

7. Have a bonfire. There's seriously something magical about fires in November. Cozy up and make some s'mores! 

8. Get a pumpkin peanut brittle candle from Bath & Body Works. It's the best smelling candle I've had this season! 

9. Make an Autumn in New York radio station. It's magical. Perfect working or cleaning with the windows open music. Also perfect background music for a dinner party. 

10. Invite someone over for dinner. If you are like me, maybe you get a little anxious about having new people over for dinner. Or the thought of cleaning and cooking and entertaining someone exhausts you. I get it. But, last night, I had dinner over at one of my best friends' houses where she made us pumpkin chili for the 3rd Halloween in a row. This Halloween, Jack and her little babe played while we ate. Do you know how I met her? Had her over for dinner when she moved in the neighborhood. I was anxious about it, I was not looking forward to it, but I truly cannot imagine life without her. So hey - have someone over for dinner. 

11. Make pumpkin chili. Speaking of the above, I know it sounds like a weird combo, but it's freaking delicious. 

12. Take some time to reflect on the year. It's almost over! What have you learned? What do you want to do different your next go around? What are you thankful for?

13. Start drinking sleepytime tea to wind down for the night. There's something so cozy about curling up with a warm mug, and it's GOOD to force your brain to slow down before going to bed. 

14. Have a Thanksgiving test-run. Making something new for Thanksgiving this year? Practice it for dinner one night. 1) Less chance of ruining it on actual Thanksgiving and 2) You get to eat a delicious appetizer or meal or dessert TWICE. Winning. 

15. Go find some pretty fall foliage. Take all the pictures for me! 

16. Donate to a food drive or a shelter that offers Thanksgiving food to families in need. Whether you can spare some money or just some extra food, share the wealth this year. You won't miss it, and it will mean the world to someone. 
17. Do something outside your comfort zone. Maybe this is trying a new food or going to a movie alone or planning some big adventure. Whatever it is, it's good to leave your comfort zone every now and then. 

18. Have Friendsgiving. This can be as extravagant as an actual Thanksgiving feast or as casual as ordering takeout and eating it in your pajamas with your best friend. Just celebrate those friendships you have to be thankful for!
19. Make a Black Friday list. 

20. Surprise someone. With flowers, with their favorite candy, with a dinner out. Surprises are fun.
21. Have a good, old-fashioned game night. These are always so much fun! 

22. Celebrate Thanksgiving! Here's a gentle reminder that wherever you're celebrating, and whoever you're celebrating with, it's perfect. And here's a less-gentle reminder to not get so caught up in the pinterest-perfect Thanksgiving or wishing you had thanksgiving somewhere else that you miss out on the beautiful day that's in front of you. 

23. Go Black Friday shopping! Whether you're hardcore and map out your whole night, or your like me and just go to Target for fun, HAVE A BLAST! Listen to Christmas music, drink peppermint mochas, enjoy! 

24. Make a note - mental or physical or whatever you have to do - to savor the season. Less stressing, more savoring. 

25. Make the perfect Christmas music playlist. 'TIS THE SEASON LET'S GOOOOO.

26. Take more walks. Breathe in some of that magical air!   
27. Make sure you're taking care of yourself. Whatever that looks like. Yoga or meal prep or naps or saying no. It's a busy season, but you need to be at the top of whatever to-do list you've got. 

How will you be spending your November?

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