It's the start of a week, and you have a choice.
You can choose to view it as a drag. As the cruel end to your fantastic weekend. As a hassle. As a life-sucker. {I try not to think about Monday's negatively, but when I do, I like to call them life suckers. You're welcome for that.}
You can choose to view it for what it is: a blessing.
A fresh start. A beautifully blank page.
It's the beginning of a week that is just overflowing with possibility.
What will you choose to do with it?
Also, I have exciting news! I always find quotes and encouraging words on pinterest that I want to share with all of you, but 1) if I blogged every time I saw something like this, I would never get anything other than blogging done, and 2) I don't want to blow up my personal instagram with these things, because we all know that one person who does that, and we also all know that one person is annoying, and we skip anything they post.
I created an instagram for my blog!
Feel free to follow along if you want to add a little sparkle to your daily news feed.
Have an exceptionally wonderful Monday.