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Friday, April 26, 2013

Friday Favorites!

Happy Friday, beautiful people!

I always love Fridays, but this week I welcome Friday with open arms and tell it that I missed it greatly.

Oh Friday, you were gone so long this week.

I have a few fantastic favorites this week, so prepare yourself.


I tried to pick which thing from her blog to put in my favorites this week, but I couldn't.  So I just put her in here.

I have loved reading her blog, which I always find incredibly encouraging.  She has such a sweet spirit that truly shines through every blog post of hers that I read.  She also makes really beautiful printables, like this one and this one, which she always offers for free--do you love her as much as I do yet?  I love reading a blog that encourages me and makes me feel happier than I did before I started reading it, and hers always does!

2. Megan wrote an amazing post on what no one ever talks about in the Christian community--having sex before you're married.  Virgin or not, it's worth the read.

3. Messy hair.

Yes, you read that correctly.

I am the queen of messy hair.  Messy braids, messy buns.  All summer year long.

So today I made some hair favorites that make it look like you actually tried to make your hair look cute.

Even though we both know you didn't.

But that's okay, your secret is safe with me.

You can see them on my etsy or storenvy shop.

Maybe one day I will get around to taking pictures with something other than my iphone.
But today is my day off.
So today is not that day.

I would also say "sorry for my messy hair."  But then I would be a hypocrite.  So, I'm not sorry.

4.  My most recent pinterest laugh.  You're welcome.

Happy weekending to you!