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Friday, March 28, 2014

Happy to be alive, because...

I love thankful Fridays, and I thought it would be fitting to move them in a new direction by making them happy to be alive Fridays. 

1.  My book is available for P R E - O R D E R.  What?!  When I woke up on Wednesday, I had no idea the day was going to end by hearing from friends and family that they had just ordered my book.  There were a lot of happy tears. 

My dad sent me a video of him, my mom, and my little brother standing at the computer ordering my book.  Tears on tears on tears.  I love my family

2.  My husband is officially done with his second year of medical school!  He's halfway to being a doctor and that's just exciting.

3.  There are so many good people in my life.  I had to write my book dedication/acknowledgments yesterday, and I really could have filled up roughly seventeen pages with all the things I would have liked to say.  I've never been one to keep a lot of people in my life at one time, but the ones I do have are downright amazing. 

4.  It's supposed to be warm again soon.  This whole, pool one day, winter coat the next day saga is getting old. 

5.  The incredibly encouraging words you guys left on my blog.  Blogging is such a weird and wonderful thing.  This is such a crazy journey for me, and getting to share it on this little space on the internet is amazing.  On that note: I wanted something to keep track of all of this excitement, so I'm going to use  #happytobealive2014 on instagram and twitter.  I would love for you to use it too!  For anything from talking about the book to simply pictures or tweets about why you're happy to be alive. 

So!  What makes you happy to be alive? 

s h o p  h e r e: