Sometimes on Fridays, I can't wait to write about what I'm thankful for.
And then there's this week.
I'm having a bad week and to think of five things I'm thankful for seems so tiring. Isn't that stupid? But that's exactly why I have Thankful Fridays. 

1. The Hunt.
Apparently there's an entire website dedicated to tracking down those things. People post pictures of what they want to find and other people comment if they know where to get that exact thing or something similar. Look at mankind, helping each other out.
2. No matter how rough my day is, this guy is always waiting to take me on a walk.
3. Your comments on Tuesday's post. I got a lot of advice on how to deal with the stress of unexpected news, most of which included wine, pizza, and praying. Obviously I have smart blog friends.
4. I get to spend today making orders for you guys. I'm making things (which I love) to pay for my book (which I love) and it's a very fulfilling process.
5. Things with my book are on track! I got an email from the publisher yesterday saying we are officially at the halfway point for everything that has to be done. What?! So exciting!
What are you thankful for this week?