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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

This is Real Life: A Book Update

It's late at night and I know there's no way I'm going to be able sleep because I'm so excited to share all of this with everyone. 

In case you're new around here: I wrote a book.  I've been so nervous that something was going to go wrong or fall behind schedule, so I've been afraid to post updates because I hate publicly saying something and then having to follow up with, "Oh wait, that's actually not happening."  Again with the need to be brave.  Geez. I will get there!

However, it appears that everything is on schedule, so here goes nothing everything.


First of all, let's just talk about the fact that MY NAME is on the cover of a book...because I wrote said book.  Dream.  Come.  True.


This is the description on the back of the book.  Look at you, getting a sneak peek and stuff. 

Avery is a seventeen-year-old girl whose reality has just been shattered by the death of her mother. Feeling a desperate need to flee from what has become her life, she follows a travel plan meant for her mom and her that leads her to the little beach town where her mom grew up. It's there that she meets a group of three adventurous friends who adopt her into their circle, allowing her to experience a summer she never thought would be possible after suffering such a great loss. Unfortunately, her summer full of experiences threatens to end abruptly when she realizes that one of the three has a secret that causes her to question everything about the new life she has been building.
Avery must learn to balance her grief and her desire for a future in order to achieve her mother's final wish for her: That she would be happy to be alive.
April 14th, 2014. 
Also known as my twenty-second birthday. 
Also know as nineteen days from today. 
This is real life. 
I have about a billion and seven more things to say, but I'll end this before it gets way too long.  Be warned, though.  A billion and seven book-related blog posts coming your way. 

You can also find me here: