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Friday, December 26, 2014

Dear 2014...

Dear 2014,

You were truly marvelous.

I learned a lot from you. I learned to be brave, to work hard for what I want, and that there's a difference between being kind and being cowardly.

I learned that free time with those I love is a sweet and precious thing, and it should be treasured.

I learned that the greatest thing in this life is family and the friends that become your family.

I learned that I will always want to write, and that nothing will ever fulfill me quite like that does. I wrote a book this year, and I can't wait to write more.

I learned to say yes to more, and to not be so afraid of so many things.

I learned that life is better when you're happy to be alive.

I learned that sometimes, I will fail. But I also learned that it's not truly a failure unless I accept it as one and choose to stop trying.

I learned to always keep trying.

I want to say I loved every minute of you, but we both know that just wouldn't be true. You brought more car issues than I could have imagined, way too many health problems, and a couple of just really hard times.

But if there's one thing I've learned from you, it's that everything is going to be okay. No matter how many health issues or car troubles or giant unexpected bills happen, they'll all work out. The hard times always turn into sunshine, and if you have someone to walk through the rain with you to get there, then life is good.

I should say that I'll miss you, but I don't think that's quite true either. I will forever cherish the memories from this year, but I'm so excited to see what 2015 will bring.

You were full of laughter, full of learning, full of new experiences, and so, so very full of love.

Thank you.

"There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind." -C.S. Lewis


  1. A lovely reflection - while 2014 brought many great things, I'm totally with you on being ready to see what 2015 has in store!

  2. This is one sweet reflection back on yet another year. It went by so quickly, don't you think? May 2015 be filled with more life lessons and less car problems <3

    The Life of Little Me

  3. 2014 was a great year. I'm always excited to look back but also excited to look ahead.

  4. Love this! It sounds like you and I had a pretty similar relationship with 2014 and your words hit home and are inspirational! Cheers to 2015! I am excited to read along with your 2015! <3

  5. I love this post! I also loved the year, but am really looking forward to what 2015 has in store! :)

  6. love that cs lewis quote.. and sounds like a great year with lots of life lessons. .but 2015 will be better!

  7. It really is amazing how much we grow and change over the year...I always wonder where we'll be next year at this time??
    <3 Samantha

  8. very nice post. really nice written. 2015 is going to be a amazing year :)
    I love how your blog is written, it reads really nice :)
    lets follow eachother! just let me know and I will follow back :)


  9. Beautifully said, Chelsea! Cheers to 2015!

  10. It feels like I am reading my thoughts here. 2014 has been an amazing year for me too. I wish you an even more wonderful 2015 ahead. :)

  11. I love this! I wish I could say I loved every minute of 2014, but there were definitely some hard times thrown at me randomly this year. But when I look back at the hard times, I'm not too sad or anxious about them anymore. In hindsight, they really taught me a lot about life and choosing happiness!

  12. This is beautiful. I love the idea of reflecting on the past year. I hope 2015 is that much and more for you!

  13. Amen. Sounds like a wonderful 2014! Cheers to the new year :)

  14. "But if there's one thing I've learned from you, it's that everything is going to be okay." It took me a long time to realize this and sometimes its hard but so true.

  15. "I learned that I will always want to write, and that nothing will ever fulfill me quite like that does." - I love this. I feel the same and it feels like some sort of secret club to know there's a group of us who can relate to something so simple and yet so important. Wishing you a wonderful New Year celebration, Chelsea!

  16. Thank you for sharing! I especially like this part: "There's a difference between being kind and being cowardly." This reminds me of a quote I saw on a calendar once (I can't remember who said it!) that went something like this: "The difference between weakness and wickedness is much less than many people think, and the outcome is almost always the same."


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