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Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Just Keep Writing: A Letter to NaNoWriMo Writers.

If you finished NaNoWriMo, congratulations, you are amazing. You wrote 50,000 words in 30 days, and that is an incredible accomplishment.

Now, you have to keep writing. The same hustle that made you write those 50,000 words is going to be needed to polish them, to change them, and to turn them into a book you're proud of. You can do it, because you now know that you can do anything you set out to do. So keep writing, you little writer, you.

If you almost finished NaNoWriMo, congratulations, you are amazing. I bet you wrote more words this month than any other month in your life, and that's fantastic. While you may have not reached your word count goal, you have the words and the stories and the ideas and the creativity.

So keep writing. Don't let all the stories you brainstormed during November stay locked in your head. Write them down.

If you barely started NaNoWriMo, congratulations, you are amazing. You wrote the first words of the first pages, and sometimes that is the hardest part. You're going to be tempted to wait until next November to really try to write a lot. Don't do that. You started something amazing, so keep it going. You lit a flame inside you...keep that burning.

Keep writing. A few words a day, a few pages a day, anything. Just keep writing.

And finally, if you thought about doing NaNoWriMo, but never got around to starting, congratulations, you are amazing. You've identified something you want to do--you want to write a book.

So start writing that book. Don't wait for November, don't wait for 2015, don't wait for tomorrow. Write the first words today.

If you finished NaNoWriMo, or if you almost finished NaNoWriMo, or if you barely started NaNoWriMo...

Good freaking job. 

Keep writing. Keep putting "write 1,667 words" on your to-do list. Keep scribbling away in your notebook, writing your ideas and dreams down. 

Because November is just a starting point. 

Congratulations, you are a writer. So keep writing. 

Did you participate in NaNoWriMo this year? How did it go for you?


  1. I did not participate this year, but I did last year. It was 90% fun and 10% work. Having a post for every day was a bit tough, but it pushed my creativity level which I enjoyed!

  2. I didn't participate this year and I missed it so much! Next year I'll be back at the game for sure!

  3. Hearing about it made me think I might like to try next year!!

  4. I love this post and your positive attitude!! I did it (shhh don't tell) but didn't finish

  5. what if i didn't even realize that NaNoWriMo was happening until it was over? can i still have a congratulations for promising myself i'll do it next year?

  6. Aw thank you for this post :) I started off pretty strong but school and final projects got the best of my writing time. I'm really hoping to get started back up over my Christmas break (no school whoo!!) lol But seriously, You're amazing :D

  7. Love this! I really wanted to do this but then I got busy with work.. #retaillife
    Thank you for the encouragement :)

  8. Love this;) I have thoughts to do a book based in some of my blog posts and elaborating, but haven't gotten around to it. I WILL, though!

  9. Love this, Chelsea! I have never participated in novel writing month but it sounds super fun (and hard)

  10. Love love love this bit of motivation. Way to keep it positive girl!

  11. Thank you so much for this motivation!

  12. YOU ARE FANTASTIC. I am so inspired every time I read your posts! :]

  13. I did NaNo this year! And I wrote 53K words! And almost every one of those words are terribly written, but I'm proud of it anyway :)

    Here's my post about it. Yay for authors and aspiring authors everywhere.

  14. Oh my goodness. I am soaking up every bit of this because I am irrevocably in love with it.

  15. Just a great positive post. I didn't participate I leave that in your capable hands.

  16. I loved this post! I see people too often get discouraged at the prospect of a major writing project and I want tell them to start and run with it anyway, because if you never start and never run you'll definitely never finish.

    Did you do NaNoWriMo this year? If so, or if not, congratulations! You are amazing. (Straight up.)

  17. Love this! I didn't participate in NaNoWriMo, but I was inspired by seeing everyone who did. I plan to carve out some time at the library once a week to write and brainstorm. :)

  18. You always have a way of really lifting my spirits. I didn't write nearly as much as I hoped I would, but you're right...all that means is I need to keep writing. Thank you for inspiring me constantly! xoxo

  19. i didn't participate but it's such a great way for writers to stay motivated!

  20. I've never heard about this before. I'm very curious. I just discovered your blog. Seems cool.


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