If there's ever a time that makes me over the top happy to be alive, it's Christmas time.
1. The Macy's Day Parade at Universal. This is tradition, and whatever day we do this on ends up being one of my favorite days of the year. This year was no exception.
A small note about the above picture...I have recently discovered that if you take a picture of me A) after 10PM or B) After 8PM on a day that was full, I will look like I've had too much to drink. So that's fun.
2. Tonight is mine & Christopher's annual Christmas date night. We go to the mall and split up so we can buy our last presents for each other. It turns into a fun game of avoiding each other and pretending we didn't buy anything. Then we have dinner and celebrate how freaking fantastic the week of Christmas is.
So yes, I'm voluntarily going to the mall on the last weekend before Christmas. Glutton for punishment over here.
3. My week has been full of playing Santa. Making lists and shopping and wrapping and mailing...I love buying presents!
4. Christmas music. Can't stop, won't stop. I've been going strong with the Christmas music since midnight on Thanksgiving, and I'm not even close to sick of it yet.
5. Because Christmas is in six days. If that's not a reason to be happy, I don't know what is.
Why are you happy to be alive this week?