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Thursday, June 23, 2016

From The Cutting Room Floor: June.

When I first started reading blogs, I saw all sorts of posts like this where people put the pictures that didn't quite make the blog posts that month. Now that I have approximately 1 billion photos on my iPhone, it seems like a good time to give it a go myself. 

So, here are bits and pieces of life in June, courtesy of my phone. 

Nothing thrilled me more than to find the fox hat he wore home from the hospital in a size that fits him now. 

Having a backyard after living in an apartment for four years is MAGIC.

 So far, Gainesville sunsets have been gorgeous. 

My guys. See also: Jack can't hang. 

We live walking distance from our neighborhood pool. It's so nice!

Also, the first time we ever went to the pool, we walk in the gate and I think Chris immediately falls into the water. Except he didn't fall into the pool, he jumped in because there was a toddler girl drowning in the pool while her mom was talking. He jumped in and got her and the mom just yanked her away from Chris without saying thank you and went right back to her conversation. Neighborhood pool: 1. Chris' iPhone: 0. Pool Mom: RUDE. 

This letter board is my new favorite thing. 

We let Jack lick a lemon and I will never ever stop laughing at this. 

Gatsby has claimed this as his spot in the new house. Unfortunately it is also Chris' desk, but alas, he will just have to learn how to live without a desk, because this belongs to Gatsby now. 

Celebrating SEVEN years of dating each other!

Chris walked into the room with this laundry basket. 
Chris: "What's in here?" 
Me: "Clean clothes." 
Chris: "Are you sure you washed them? They're really stinky."
Me: "No they're not. They're clean." 
Chris: "No, this basket is super stinky. You should check on it." 
And he set it down beside me and it took me a full minute to actually look in the basket, where Jack was just hanging out like it was totally normal to be left in a laundry basket. 

Our new mall has family changing stations! Chris did not understand my excitement, but HELLO NOT HAVING TO CHANGE DIAPERS ALONE. 

The Old Navy men's section is KILLING it. 

Being back in Gainesville means being reunited with my favorite little hippie pizza place in the world. 

What happens when you try to get a handprint for the baby book.

His pajamas say "I'll eat you up!" From Where The Wild Things Are. Cue all my emotions.

 Jack decided he can balance himself sitting up now. Cool.

My two little minions taking a nap. 

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  1. I might like the outtakes more than the regular pics? LOL. I love this idea. I've never done it myself. Maybe soon.

    My favorites are the laundry basket and the handprint mess. And that pool mom is RUDE.

  2. Adorable!! I can't believe that pool story- I literally can't let my eyes off my daughter for a second near even a baby pool filled with 1 inch of water.. one of my worst fears!

  3. Jack is so sweet- love the photo of you & him wearing the where the wild things are shirt! I want a letter board board sooo bad- they're so fun!

  4. Let's just pause for a minute and squeal about how stinking cute your little man is. I mean, seriously, how does a baby be so stinking cute?! Also, I love Gatsby! And I love that he's claimed the desk. That sounds like my husky mix. (I sit up in the morning to stretch and she'd already snuck in behind me and laying on my pillows, claiming them for herself.) You guys are just too cute!

  5. I love these kinds of posts! Photos are my jam. Love all of these photos! And my jaw is dropped over the mom at the pool. Wow! Some people are so rude and ignorant! That pizza place sounds awesome.

  6. It can be so stressful going to a neighborhood pool sometimes, just the other day my husband and I were there just watching everyone else's children while their parents were texting or talking to other parents. I can't even imagine! That lemon face is the cutest ever :)

  7. He is starting to look like such a little boy Chelsea!! It looks like you guys are in such a fun stage!!

  8. How precious is he in that little fox hat?! I am loving that Sandlot tee - classic.

  9. I can't get over him...he's the cutest baby. And GO CHRIS for saving that little girl!

  10. I love every single one of these pictures! But the laundry basket takes the cake!

  11. Oh my gosh ,that fox hat is so cute! Our college mascot as a red fox, so I'm totally dressing my future child (thinking years ahead here) in fox things! :P

  12. that nose to nose picture. stop.

  13. Legit cracking up at work at 1. lemon face, 2. gatsby's new digs and 3. handprint fiasco ahahah these are fantastic!

  14. I CANNOT get over that pool story. Your husband is a total rockstar and that mom is horrible. But I love this post!

  15. I can't decide which is my favorite - the laundry basket picture or the handprint one. I love them both! The outtakes from your phone pictures are such a good post idea :)

  16. Love these so much! I had about a million little comments as I was looking at them, but of course, they slip out of my mind now that it's time to write! Haha. :) I can't believe the lady at the pool was so rude, but I am so glad Chris was there to save the girl! Gatsby on Chris' desk cracked me up. I think my favorite was the photos of Jack trying a lemon! So adorable!

  17. ughhh so awesome and such great moments you have captured! love taking photos and sharing little moments with them as they get older!

  18. I have always loved these posts! It is fun to see an "unfiltered" look into people's lives. I like these kinds of posts a lot better than the staged ones!

  19. Those photos are all so adorable and I love the stories behind them! I cannot believe that mom did not profusely thank Chris for saving her child. People are so rude! This is definitely inspiring me to want to share a photo post like this :)

  20. Why is every photo of Jack cuter than the last? Him trying the lemon is too funny!

  21. I cannot BELIEVE that pool story. What.

  22. So freaking cute girl, I can't even.

  23. That fox hat! Too cute!!

    Edye | Http://

  24. I love the pictures! XOXO Your little guy is SO cute!
    I must find myself a letter board-that is awesome!

  25. I love round ups like this :) And I can't believe that pool lady didn't say thank you at all!!!

  26. I can't get over the cuteness that is Jack, especially in that little fox hat! Yay for having a backyard and a pool within walking distance - a FL must! Happy Friday gurlie <3
    Green Fashionista

  27. Great pictures! Love the pics--especially the lemon ones!

  28. Great pics! I can't believe the story about the pool! Rude pool mom... lol!

  29. Everything about this makes me happy, but nothing as much as the napping picture of Jack and Gatsby. Seriously. And your letter board has inspired me. Where did you get yours????

  30. So sweet! Those lemon photos of Jack are the best!!

  31. I love all these photos! So cute... especially that one of Jack and Gatsby napping. And Jack in the laundry basket. So cute! Also... I can't believe that pool mom! So rude!

    Oh, and that photo of Gatsby on the desk! My heart melted. I think Mina would claim that spot as hers if she lived there too. :)


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