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Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Let's Drink Too Much Coffee & Talk About Life.

Today seems like to perfect day to have an extra cup of coffee (or two) and talk about life. If we were having coffee together, I'd have a lot to tell you. 

I'd tell you that my heart is still so heavy over what happened in Orlando, and that I'm so disappointed in some of the people I know. I've seen so many tweets and Facebook statuses twisting the terror into a platform to voice their opinions on politics. It is clear to me that the only way to respond to this horrific situation is in love. This is not about political views. This is not about you. This is about a group of Americans who were attacked. And the only way to respond to that is in sorrow and in love. 

Of course we'd talk about my new house, and how much I'm loving it. It feels so amazing to have so much room after living in a studio for two years. Waking up in this house still feels so exciting every day, and I want to cherish that feeling. 

I'd also tell you that having an office (and my own desk!) again has me itching to write more. I hope to do a lot of that this year, but we'll see how that goes when paired with my squawking babe. (Yes, he squawks now. Like a velociraptor. It's adorable, but also very loud.)

I'd tell you that Chris' residency kicks off on Monday, and I'm getting really nervous about it. I'm excited for him, I'm just nervous about the transition of balancing a lot of things by myself. But things always work out, so I know this will, too. I'd also tell you that I started a little notebook that I want to fill with 365 little things to do to get through intern year (notoriously the hardest year). I've got little things like trying new recipes, boring things like cleaning out the refrigerator, and fun things like going thrift store shopping. I just want to have one thing I can tick off every day on the way to finishing a really trying year. I need about 150 more things-give me your ideas!)

Now, your turn. Tell me what's going on in your life.

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  1. Yess to the extra coffee on wednesdays today! Still thinking so much about everyone in Orlando & love what you wrote about it. People are often much too quick to get caught up in the wrong things after a tragedy happens.

  2. I am so intrigued by your 365 things notebook, you are so creative!

  3. Extra coffee is always needed, and I love the thought of the cute little squawking baby hanging out with you in your office!

  4. Try something like starting a project life photo book! I just got some supplies to do that over the weekend and if you do a page a day that's a little something more to fill your time :) that letter board is the cutest thing!

  5. I love the idea for your 365 notebook. My husband is going to be working so much when we get to Hawaii-- it's supposed to be the hardest part of the submarine career. So I might have to do something similar. Here's some stuff off the top of my head: write a short story, send a card to a friend, unsubscribe to all those annoying store emails, find some new music, plan a date night, hang up something new on your wall, print out pictures :)

  6. Hmmm...
    story time at the library, watching the sunrise, visiting 10 coffee shops and blogging about them when you're finished, finding a new author to read...I love stuff like this, can't wait to see what you do.

  7. Google some 101 in 1001 lists... I bet those would give you some inspiration for additional items to add! Design Darling is a good place to start.

  8. Your notebook idea is awesome! What a great idea. I would definitely say getting a library card would be a good one, and finding all the parks in the area. Cleaning out the closet is another thing that would be nice to check off at the end of the year.

  9. I haven't to second your thoughts about people using such a sad time to rant about political view on social media. I agree that love is what people in Orlando need most now, not people who want to point fingers. love love love.

  10. I love your idea of making a list of things to do! I've been making one for the summer. My husband works two jobs, so many days I feel a bit like a single parent. I've been trying to be brave and do new things with my babe. It's hard, but it's been good for me.

  11. This post inspired me to get up and brew another cup :p

  12. Congrats to Chris on the start of his residency on Monday! I love your idea of the 365 little things notebook! I would tell you I'm so ready to be done with moving, but I'm glad we are almost done with all the logistical stuff! :)

  13. I always have multiple cups on Wednesday...what's with that?! I love your notebook idea...what about creating mood boards for different rooms of your house to begin the decorating process?

  14. "Like a velociraptor." I'm dead. Too, too funny. I wish we could really grab coffee and chat about your new house! I drove by my old house in Charlotte (we moved away briefly before returning last march), and it made me feel "home sick." We don't have a studio, but still a very small apartment. I'm excited for your desk and writing! Let's get back into the groove together. I'd love to implement the 90 minute writes or even just a 60 minute write a few times a week if you want to go in together and keep each other accountable! Let me know! <3

  15. I can't wait to hear more about your new home! You will get through residency - use your extra time doing prjoects around the house, decorating and shopping. And of course you have your little man to keep you busy :)

  16. I've seen the saddest/worst stuff on Facebook, too. It's heartbreaking. 49 of our brothers and sisters were murdered and that's all that matters. I'm so excited that you are settling into your new home! you will get through this year easily, I'm sure! Can't wait to follow along.

  17. I'm so looking forward to hearing about your new home! My really good friend, Jessica, her husband will be finishing up his second year. She's private now, so I'll have to talk with her first about adding you. She had some really great posts regarding first year & residency thus far.

  18. My heart goes out to all affected in Orlando.
    Looking forward to see your new house.

    Everything still seems a little hectic in my life right now. Hope I get to catch my breath soon. :)

  19. Good luck on Monday Chris! And I totally agree that coffee makes me want to write down a billion words. Sometimes it's hard to keep thing simple and light haha!
    Xo, Evelina @ Fortunate House

  20. I've been dabbling in watercolors lately, and it's been super fun! Maybe (in efforts to decorate the new place!) you can make a few framable watercolor prints to hang up :) Good rainy day activity too, as I assume we have quite a few of them left this summer.

    Still can't get over the Orlando shooting. My heart is truly breaking for all the victims and their families, and the LGBTQ community.

  21. I love the 365 notebook idea! Which also reminds me that I too should probably clean out my fridge soon... (I'm like 90% sure I have a bag of shredded cheese that is on it's way to looking like a science fair project, so it's probably time haha)

  22. I love the 365 notebook idea! Which also reminds me that I too should probably clean out my fridge soon... (I'm like 90% sure I have a bag of shredded cheese that is on it's way to looking like a science fair project, so it's probably time haha)

  23. I love this: "This is about a group of Americans who were attacked. And the only way to respond to that is in sorrow and in love." Perfectly said!
    As far as finding something to do while your husband is doing his residency, I would highly recommend something with interaction for you and your son, with people like you. Maybe a MOPS (Mother's of Preschoolers) group, a local bible study, Mommy and Me gymnastics, etc. I find when my husband is working alot, the thing that keeps me sane is "my tribe." Find your tribe and embrace it.

  24. I wish we were having a coffee and talking about life! I also agree 100% that the only way to respond is with love. I tried to stay off social media that day, solely because it immediately became a platform for political agendas -- how terribly sad. In any case, I would tell you that we are moving from Hawaii in 5 weeks and still have no idea where we are going. I would tell you that when I sit in my office, my dogs play tug of war and it is so annoying I could scream. Hm what else, perhaps that I'm already on coffee #2 for the day and it's only 9AM here.

  25. I wish you the best of luck through intern year! Find a good mama tribe and you will survive!

  26. I love these types of posts. :) If we were to have coffee I'd tell you that my dog is taking the stairs one at a time, but she runs and jumps on everything else, so I'm keeping an eye on her. I'd also tell you that I'm puppy sitting my new canine nephew Tino this weekend and I'm so excited, because he's the cutest, but also nervous that I won't take him out enough. I'd tell you about all the story ideas I have in mind and I just need to organize my thoughts and put them on paper... or computer screen. And that after being in Colombia I just want to explore new places. :)

  27. I love your 365 things idea--you should do a blog post just on that! What a great way to help yourself get through what might potentially be a pretty challenging time.

  28. You have sparked me to do one of my own coffee talks!! Love your blog.


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